Goodies! Yay LimeCrime/Colourpop.


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Jan 26, 2015

Demetria S.

Finally got my packages after 2 weeks of looking outside my window for the postman.

Jan 26, 2015

Demetria S.

Bad pic.
LimeCrime velvetine in Cashmere.

Colourpop super shock shadows in Bae, bill & I <3 this

Jan 26, 2015

Erin L.

I want cashmere and bae there both so pretty!

Jan 26, 2015

Ema D.

@Demetria I am so interested to see cashmere on a WOC. Will you be posting a picture with it on.

Jan 26, 2015

Demetria S.

Yes. I can't wait to get them all a try. Bae is amazingggggggg. I can't stress that any further lol. Get it!

Jan 26, 2015

Demetria S.

Ema. I can certainly take a pic when I get home

Jan 26, 2015

Kitty K.

Definitely take a picture! I would love to see ♥

Jan 26, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Nice 😊

Jan 27, 2015

Troi W.

I just got cashmere today and it is sooooo bomb!!