Little Red Spots On Arms And Legs.


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Jan 31, 2015

Sarah C.

Hiyaa guys,
so I have thos little red spots on my arms and legs (keratosis pilaris) they are a right confidence killer! I'm going away in a good few months and wanted to start getting rid of them(if that's even possible) or at least die them down a bit.
has anyone used any products in particular where they've noticed a major difference? :)

Jan 31, 2015

Shanae J.

I've been using this for about a month and a half now and they're dying down.

Jan 31, 2015

Sarah C.

I just looked that up and it gets amazing reviews!.. shame they don't sell it in the uk :(

Jan 31, 2015

Jack B.

You can use coconut oil to help treat KP!

Jan 31, 2015

Sarah C.

Oh really? never heard of that one I'll try that later thanks!

Jan 31, 2015

Stephanie S.

I'm not sure if they sell this in the uk but what really helped my kp was derma doctor kp duty body scrub. it's kind of pricey but totally worth it. You just really need to exfoliate the area and moisturize. I've also been using a sugar scrub by tree hut and it's good, but I don't know how good it is since I was using the derma doctor one and it really cleared up my "chicken skin" lol.

Jan 31, 2015

Bailey G.

Here on BL they posted an article on how to get rid of KP. Here:

Feb 1, 2015

Angela J.

I use peel pads and they seriously smooth them a ton! Took me 30 years to figure this out lol:)