Skincare products for combi skin.


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Feb 11, 2015

Ziezie I.

Hi girls! Any skincare products that you would like to recommend for combination skin but leaning more to oily side? I've some questions as well!

I've small tiny pimples on my face. so I wonder if I should use exfoliator to remove the white heads. I really don't know what skincare,exfoliator, moisturizer or sunscreen that I should use.

Help me girls :)

Feb 11, 2015

Sav L.

Following. Need this to be answered.

Feb 11, 2015

Gisell G.

You should get a cleanser for your skin type, definitely an exfoliator, moisturizer for oily skin & oil free sun screen.
For face wash I love the neotrogena oil free grapefruit wash & the face scrub from that line too
For moisturizer get one that is oil free, fragrance free, & noncomedogenic
For sun screen I use this one

Feb 11, 2015

Riff W.

I do NOT recommend the grapefruit line for combination skin. I have insanely oily skin and it completely dried me out, made my skin feel incredibly tight, gave me strange dry patches along with flaking and if parts of your skin are already dry it will make it worse.

Feb 12, 2015

Gisell G.

It's supposed to do that as it absorbs oils... That's why you use a moisturizer.

Feb 12, 2015

Ziezie I.

@riff w, did you wear moisturizer afterwards?

Feb 12, 2015

Ziezie I.

@giselll, what moisturizer you use?

Feb 12, 2015

Riff W.

Yes I used a moisturizer, in fact I used one for dry skin (Hope in a Jar and before that just one that came from proactive and then another also from Neutrogena) and it still messed up my face. While looking through reviews, I noticed loads of people had the same issue with exceptions from one or two people. The majority of people don't have good experiences.

Feb 12, 2015

Gisell G.

I use the grapefruit wash at night & a gentle cleanser in the morning
I use a breakout control moisturizer from M.A.D skin care, it's a little expensive but it's so great!
Also make sure you wear sunscreen on top of your moisturizer because the grapefruit wash has acne fighting chemicals which is why you must wear sunscreen. Use the scrub only 1-2 times a week, like a Monday & Thursday ( I use it at night)
If your skin is still dry try using a facial oil like jojoba oil, it mimics the natural oils of the skin therefore will not break you out, (this I also suggest using at night)

Feb 12, 2015

Shiro M.

The body shop seaweed line is formulated for combo skin.