Benefit Roller Lash Before and After.


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Feb 15, 2015

Maryellen O.

Hi all,

First prepare yourself for the photos below. I'm no photographer and haven't a clue how to get a good selfie. But, I tried. I hope you can see in the photos what a difference the new Benefit mascara made. I'm willing to try again with photos, but I need some tips on how to make them better.  Thanks,

Feb 15, 2015

Maryellen O.

I guess I can't attach two photos in one message, so here's the before.

Feb 15, 2015

katie s.

I can't see it?

Feb 15, 2015

Bre H.

Yes I can see huge difference in the top photo compared to the.bottom I wish it looked that good when I.tried it.

Feb 15, 2015

Lauren H.

What is this new mascara?! I haven't heard of it. I can definitely tell a difference @Maryellen O.

Feb 15, 2015

Maryellen O.

It's the Benefit RollerLash Mascara/$24. I don't think you can buy it right now...the launch is in a week or two. I tried a sample I got at Ulta. is selilng it now, but they have the exclusive.

Feb 15, 2015

Bre H.

Omg lol I totally read past roller lash I was thinking of the real lol.

Feb 15, 2015

Rebecca J.

Looks good! I'm liking the mascara so far I got a sample in a magazine two weeks ago. Its hard to remove though :/

Feb 15, 2015

Maryellen O.

Rebecca J. I didn't have any trouble getting mine off. In fact, I just used a washcloth with water. Maybe that's why I always seem to have smudging issues.  Interesting.

Feb 15, 2015

t r.

@rebecca j---Sonia Kashuk makes a great make up remover and when I used it with thi mascara, I didn't even have to rub. (Available at target, about $10 bucks)

Feb 15, 2015

Rebecca J.

@t are. thanks for the suggestion but we don't have sonia kashuk where I live :/

@maryellen I'm glad you had no issues with removal! it takes me about three large cotton pads and some oil based remover to fully take it off! I guess its different with everyone

Feb 15, 2015

Rebecca J.

*t are.