What Are These Little Bumps?!


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Feb 7, 2015

Mary P.

I always get these little bumps on my legs in the summer and it is really bad, I just got some like a week ago and I want them to be gone, I would also like to know what they are and how I can prevent them from coming back. I always thought it was heat rash but its the winter so I'm confused!!

Feb 8, 2015

Cierra A.

Could be keratosis Polaris. I might have spelled that wrong. they're a build up of keratin in the wall of the hair follicles. if you Google it webmd.com has a few treatment options for helping with the symptoms. unfortunately there is no "cure". it typically shows on thighs and the backs of your arms. or if your me your whole leg. I told my doctor about mine she gave me an ammonium lactate lotion that makes them dissapear super fast. deffinantly talk to your doctor.