Weak nail trouble


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Feb 6, 2015

Chelsea H.

I have awfully weak and dry nails. The cuticles around seem dry and my nails break or chip so easily! Do you have any tips, products or advice on the best way to over come this?

Feb 6, 2015

Lindsay M.

Eat more fruits and vegetables!! Also, I've heard taking prenatal vitamins will strengthen and grow your hair and nails. (If your nails are dry I would recommend washing them more and don't use and foam sanitizer)

Feb 7, 2015

Swati K.

You can also use sally hasen cuticle oil
Tht worked for my nails.  😊

Feb 7, 2015

Ivette H.

Try a nail strengthener, (sally Hansens hard as nails in good) applying a cuticle oil will also help. I use one at least 2-3 times a day. (Sally Hansens vitamin e cuticle oil) is great (:

Feb 7, 2015

Maddy W.

I absolutely love J.R Watkins lavender hand cream it's the best I've ever used! Biotin is a great supplement, drinking milk, overall health and nutrition is key. Try finding a hand soap for at home with aloe Vera in it. And use a hand scrub 2x a week to remove dead/dry skin and cuticles :)

Feb 7, 2015

Stephanie G.

It sucks, but I went 6 months with natural nails. No polish or remover. My nails have never been stronger.