Acne remedies? Anyone?


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Feb 4, 2015

Mabelle B.

I don't have proper acne but I do have these small bumps/pimples on my face (cheeks, mainly).

Help me out? Recommend me some good acne relieving creams, face washes, home remedies (DIY)...etc. 


Feb 4, 2015

Mabelle B.

Hailey, thank you so much for those recommendations and tips! :) I will definitely try the kiehl's cleansing gel out. Also, I've heard so much about tea tree oil! I really have to give it ago. How exactly do you use it? :)

Feb 4, 2015

Simran K.

You you know wht... Dnot you ever wash your face with a soap or smthin like harsh things and yes one more thing don't have oily stuff in your meal.. I think that will help.. This can be seen as a precaution for acne ::

Feb 4, 2015

Mabelle B.

Simran, thanks! I already knew those things but thanks for commenting. x

Feb 5, 2015

Jess M.

There are a lot of things on YouTube that can help

Feb 5, 2015

Simran K.

Mabelle, ohh ::// anyways your welcome

Feb 5, 2015

Amber J.

Tea tree oil? I'm not too sure but I remember when my friend and I had pimples we started try out tea tree oil and it wasn't noticeable any more.