Excess oil with UDPP in Eden???


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Jan 12, 2013

Angie L.

What would you think the best hair color for me

Jan 12, 2013

Emily W.

Sarah, it might have settled and separated in the tube. Shaking it up would probably redistribute the product (like shaking fruit juice that has separated).

Jan 12, 2013

Tashina M.

That one does tend to separate in the tube if I don't use it for a week or so. I just squeeze it a little before I open it and then squeeze out whatever excess. 

Jan 13, 2013

Ari W.

mine does that too, the original one that has the wand, but my tube doesnt. hmm. 

Jan 13, 2013

Brooklynn J.

If I don't use my original one in a while it does that. Just close the lid and start squeezing it! It works all the time!