What Products Are Good For Black Dark Spots On My Face?


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Jan 14, 2013

Anastasia S.

lighten my discoloration

Jan 14, 2013

MiMi A.

You could try Rx for Brown Skin. I havn't tried it yet, but I plan to. It looks really good. Here's a link to the site http://www.rxforbrownskin1.com/

If that's too expensive, try Black Soap. My friend uses it and raves about it. She has really nice smoothe skin too. You could get it at Target or Walgreens. Walmart might also have it. They seem to have everything. Or you could order it online. :) 

Jan 14, 2013

Mary B.

Beware of lightening agents and they can have harmful LaFox I'm your internal organs. The best thing you can do is use your sunscreen every day so the darker spots don't get darker and by wearing the sunscreen they're going to get lighter. Drinking Mertese will help with free radical damage vitamin C is a natural skin Breitner so you may want to start using a product with vitamin C and it to help lighten and even out your skin tone in a more natural way. Are you specifically referring to dark spots in certain places on your skin or just on the even skin tone that's very common in darker pigmented women wear certain spots of the face are lighter and the outskirts of the facer darker?

Jan 14, 2013

Mary B.

Drinking tea will help with free radicals sorry

Jan 14, 2013

Dhanvi T.

1. Buy some rose water you can find at Indian stores or turmeric paste or something like that. It lightens beautifully. I've used it for a week and my face is already looking better with fewer spots
You could try lemons juice and sugar
Or try coconut oil
Good luck!!