Sleeping Troubles


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Jan 2, 2013

Tiffany P.

It seems like I'm never going to bed at a decent time it's 2 30am right now and I feel like I'm still awake. I wake up around 10 or 11 but I'm still tired through out the day and I took a 30min nap at 6pm so is there a way I can get on track for a normal sleep schedule like 10pm to 8-9am? I start college again and I'm worried ill just have a crash! I think another reason is I get really bored in the morning so I just sleep! It's terrible I need some help :/

Jan 2, 2013

Ashley S.

you could try Melatonin to get your sleep back on track. I have insomnia, so that's what I do if I get too far off of my sleeping. just take it an hour to a couple hours prior to when you want to be asleep.
hope this helps :)

Jan 2, 2013

Natalie T.

I am in the same boat =( I HATE taking medicine, especially for sleep, but I really need them to stay asleep at night. I just take over the counter Diphenhydramine products since nothing natural is working for me. I would recommend this as a last resort, but its been the most effective thing for me.

I usually have a day where I exhaust myself in order to get "on track" I'll either stay up through out the night and to the next day so I can fall asleep at a "normal hour" and wake up at a normal time the next day, if that makes any sense. I CANNOT nap AT ALL, they are amazing and I love naps-but even if its a 10 minute nap, it will throw me off track for the whole night, and I'll be up until 6 or 7 am before I can actually fall asleep or feel tired =(

Soooo when "getting on track," I wake myself up at about 8 am and stay awake the whole day without a nap. I then take a sleeping pill when I'm feeling really tired but no earlier than 9 or 10 pm on really bad days. Then I go to sleep about a half hour after I take my pill and about 70% of the time, I usually get a good nights sleep and repeat the same thing the next day. Sometimes I wake up a couple hours later and I can't go back to bed and its really terrible though.

I know this is really unhealthy, but when you have sleeping problems, you get really desperate. I'm just sick of the times where I can only manage to get 4 or 5 hours of sleep per WEEK. I'm planning on scheduling a sleep study soon with doctors, perhaps that is something you may look into also. I have been putting that off for about 6 years of sleeplessness but over Christmas (taking my Dad's ambien prescription and it hardly having an effect on me) my parents and I decided it was time to see professionals.

I feel like if I had a healthier lifestyle like a regular exercise and diet scheduled-it would help a lot! People with a regular and healthy lifestyle seem to have regular and healthy sleeping schedules, but its soooo hard with school as a factor to be able to truly commit.  =(

Jan 2, 2013

Natalie T.

I forgot! There are actually a lot of changes I made to my bedroom to help it become a more effective resting area. I turn my computer off at night since I have GIANT desktop computer and I cannot move it. If you have a laptop, leave it outside of your room at night.
I removed the television from my room.
I try not to do my "day time" activities in my bedroom, I try to work in my living room or at my bar area if I am doing homework, reading, or doing artwork or whatever.

The bedroom should be for sleep only, so eliminate any distractions(clocks, tvs, computers, loud artwork) and really turn the bedroom into a comfortable place that is made only for sleep.

Jan 2, 2013

van a.

Hey girls there really helpful books on this topic, try amazon for the effortless sleep method, and say goodbye to insomnia. They are the best out there! 

Jan 3, 2013

Tiffany P.

Thanks girls! I think ill take some Benadryl and see if that helps!