Thoughts on Lime Crime?


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Jul 14, 2015

Paola B.

I keep seeing these awesome Velvetines on Instagram and Facebook and I am DYING to try them. However, I keep hearing bad things about the online ordering and their products. Do any of you wonderful people have any opinions?!

Jul 15, 2015

Taylor G.

I love Like Crime. You should look up the stories and stuff about Doe Deere and her business practices, because that is a deal breaker for a lot of people. And a few months ago there was a security breach and a lot of people's info got stolen and it was pretty rough. I've never had any issues though, & I love the products.

Jul 15, 2015

Taylor G.


Jul 15, 2015

Hannah K.

This fab article says everything that I want to say :)

Jul 15, 2015

Tia A.

@hannah woowwww I was also going to try limecrimes velvetines but after reading that article...never

Jul 16, 2015

Alyx T.

Jacqueline - it's not just the security thing that most people are talking about, though they handled that poorly and unfortunately most of the customers got no warning that the security was expired, they also didn't give anyone statements for the bank addressed to them personally (most sites will offer to send an email incase your account gets stolen and you can take it into the bank so they can cut the card and refund you without them thinking its a scam - she refused because "it wasn't her fault" making it extremely difficult for customers who had information stolen to get the banks to believe them) so without the personally addressed letters, or emails, people suffered and some still haven't gotten their refund back and have been put in debt (or put as a victim of identity theft) unfortunately. Doe deere has done some terrible things with lime crime and without. She has proven time after time that she doesn't care about anything but making money even if it involves lying and putting her customers at risk. I could go into detail, I have a note saved on my phone from when this was a popular question, but it's crazy long and detailed.

It's really up to you if you support them, paola! Make sure you do your research well, and decide for yourself.
But as far as the velvetines go, I know kvd and any liquid lipsticks are all pretty good dupes for them. I love my kvd liquid lipsticks, they are an everyday staple for me now.

Jul 16, 2015

Alyx T.

Oh yeah I agree. I didn't mean she did it or anything like that. I just know she's doing bare minimum to help out. A girl I've been talking to for a few years on another makeup forum got her info stolen and she's still fighting with her bank to get her account back, they finally froze it after there were purchases for things she couldn't possibly use (she lives in a walk up apartment and there were hot tub and yard purchases from her savings) but they weren't going to do it without a letter from lime crime. But ultimately I don't support people like doe, she doesn't care who she hurts emotionally or who she lies to, especially when it comes to lying about your ingredients so that vegans will buy them, not knowing that there is animal product and by products in it, and I lose out on a lot of trendy brands like that but I wouldn't be any to sleep at night knowing I helped pay for her to advance in life. I just want to make sure Paola knew about everything, not just the security breach which has been fixed. I guess I missed the first part in your paragraph about doe lol, it was quite late and I couldn't sleep. I do wish she had a better sense of other people. I quite like the fun colors of her lipsticks. Though the eyeshadow are easily duped through tkb trading  lol.

Jul 16, 2015

Paola B.

Well ladies, you've definitely given me loads to think about. I'm going to go ahead and look into it before deciding whether or not I'll buy from them. Thank you so much for your feedback!

Jul 17, 2015

Meagan M.

I order mine of nasty gal and had no major issues. Then last fall I tried to order more off the actual lime crime site and I not only did not get my order I got a letter saying my credit card information might have been compromised or stole. So I refuse to order more at this time.

Jul 17, 2015

Meagan M.

Quality wise I am in love with them it's the crappy ordering that's an issue.