Game Changer 11 Years Of Makeup.


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Jul 4, 2015

NiK I.

Okay lady's so I've been using makeup since I was 12 and wanted to look like Hilary Duff :-P I'm 23 now and that's a long time to use makeup day in and day out now it's starting to feel like a job not fun anymore :-( so even though I'm scared I not going to use any makeup for the rest of the summer.

Jul 4, 2015

Emma H.

This is awesome! You are really brave!

Jul 4, 2015

Kel R.

That's great NiKi. Your skin will appreciate it!! And I'm sure you'll look just as stunning without makeup.

Jul 4, 2015

Tamara F.

I think that's great! Try focusing on skincare. I was surprised that my skin could look so good without makeup when a friend suggested the same to me almost five years ago. Don't forget the sunscreen. We all should be confident with a fresh face. Makeup should be fun and not a chore. I'm cheering you on.

Jul 4, 2015

NiK I.

Thanks so much lady's for the support my skin isn't the best but I will sanp a picture every week or so to let you guys in on the transformation :-)

Jul 4, 2015

Livi H.

Niki that's a good goal! I am doing the same for the most part. I am only using 100% pure products if I wanted to apply some makeup. It's all natural so I don't feel too bad putting them on!

Jul 4, 2015

Shelley W.

I had to take a small break myself due to a horrible reaction to meds. It was kinda cool to take a break from it all. I don't know if I could last several months of not using makeup but kudos to you for making such an epic decision as you've been wearing it since 12. Keep us updated on your journey. ;)

Jul 4, 2015

Lydia B.

This is a fantastic idea, super brave. your skin will absolutely love it, and I'm sure your still gorgeous without make up!

NiK I.

St Catherine's Ontario