Contour And Highlighter Help!!


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Jul 5, 2015

Alyssa B.

Okay so I've never used bronzer or highlighter and I was thinking about trying it out for once, but before I went out and purchased the products needed, I wanted to know you guys' opinions. do you actually believe contouring and highlighting actually makes a good difference in your makeup or is it just a pointless step?

Jul 5, 2015

Ashley D.

I definitely see a difference when I contour, not so much highlight but thats because I'm really oily.
I recommend watching videos and practicing to find what application method works for you and your face shape
Contour: Kevyn Aucoin Sculpting powder
Highlight: Becca moonstone

Jul 5, 2015

Nikki D.

I agree with Ashley. Also, you don't use bronzer to contour just in case you didn't know, that was something I learned here on BL. Bronzer is for warming up the face, and any products used to contour should have a cool/greyish undertone to mimic the appearance of a shadow; which is what you are trying to do when you contour. I also agree with Ashley's product recommendations! :)

Jul 5, 2015

Alyssa B.

I know you don't use bronzer to contour lol. I was typing too fast and said that. thanks ladies(;

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

There is definitely a huge difference when people contour! I personally don't contour that much, but I do bronze up my face (: I used to be obsessed with highlighters, but I haven't used them in a while. Maybe I should start using them again.. I don't know why I ever stopped! (:

Jul 5, 2015

Hannah K.

I occasionally contour (generally for big events or parties) but I use highlighter everyday. I'm a bit obsessed with highlighter!
For highlighter I either use Benefit High Beam or Laura Gellers baked highlighter in Toasted Coconut/Dulce de Leche.
I'm currently saving up for the Kevyn Aucoin sculpting powder as I tried my cousins one and LOVED it. I'm currently using Laura Gellers gingerbread blush as it works well with my skin tone, but I only ever contour under my cheekbones

Jul 5, 2015

Shreya S.

For contouring, it definitely depends on how your doing it. you always want to start small, then work your way up. but make sure you're doing it in a straight line, not just a circle under your cheekbones. if you do it like that, then it's just going to look like a big brown spot, not a nice contour. also, don't contour ON your cheekbones, contour UNDER them. have fun! :)

Jul 5, 2015

Tessandra R.

I personally love highlighting and contouring! It do it a little more subtly than most, because I do it everyday :) I actually do use bronzer for contouring as well as warming my face. I use a matte bronzer called Hoola Benefits Bronzer, and it works flawlessly for me! It is a bit pricey in my opinion, but well worth it! If you're doing it everyday, then I say definitely try to be more subtle about it rather than looking like you're going to a huge event like a wedding or something along those lines. I see a very large difference between before and after H&C. I have combo dry skin, and it makes worlds difference! I say try it to see how you like it! :)

Jul 5, 2015

Sarah N.

I love to highlight and contour and it definitely can change the way your face looks, if done correctly. I use a powder highlighter every day and normally just bronze my face (not contour) & for special occasions I use cream h&c (concealers) with powder on top.