Made of non US materials?


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Oct 22, 2015

Livi H.

Hey everyone,

I've been contemplating a few things. Now to clear somethings ahead. My eye area is not sensitive to anything whatsoever. I've never had any problems with Eyeshadows eye pencils mascara, etc.

I've recently purchased the mega pro 2 palette by Lorac and while colors are beautiful and great pigment and blendability. I've worn the eyeshadows for a week on and off when I got it and my eyes have been slightly swollen not that much, but definitely itchy. I haven't worn much eye makeup like I use to because of this and it's a bit frustrating. I haven't really bought any new palletes since then. Is the Lorac mega pro 2 causing this? And if not, what are the materials used that's made in Non-US? Is it the packaging only or does it include the eyeshadows? Why do they say non-US? Is it to indirectly say it's made in China?

Anyway, I'm contemplating on returning it. While it's beautiful I don't think it's worth the hassle. If you beauties can enlighten me to what you think on this matter, I would appreciate it! Also an extra note on those who own Lorac palettes and love them, I'm just talking about the mega pro 2. I don't see anything about the Lorac original palettes... In fact I can't even see "Made in.." Whatsoever. Thanks in advance

Oct 22, 2015

Aurora S.

It could just be that there's certain ingredients that you reacted to. Not every product has the exact same ingredients even in the same brand.
For example, a foundation in ivory won't have the exact same ingredients/ratios of things as one in a caramel color so it's possible there's a ratio of a certain ingredient that your skin isn't fond of.
And some people don't experience allergies to things until later on in life.

I had a similar issue to a Garnier Eye Cream even though I don't have sensitive eye and never had any reaction with anything before, I tried a different one from them prior to that and had no issue whatsoever.

It could definitely be the palette that's causing this. I personally don't know if it's the packaging or eyeshadow itself that has non US material but basically what they mean is they have material from the US and material from more than one different countries.
I think you should set it aside and see if it continues to see if it's actually the palette causing this.
You could even try going to a dermatologist.
And no, just cause something is from China doesn't automatically mean it's bad for you.

Oct 22, 2015

Hannah K.

I agree with Aurora. I am fine with every other makeup brand but Maybelline. An ingredient they use really makes my skin swell up and redden.

Oct 22, 2015

Livi H.

Thanks Aurora, wondering what's in the mega pro 2 that's making my eyes itchy lol. It's really a bummer because I was so astonished by the colors and the overall performance of the eyeshadows.

I do know what it means when they say the materials are also made from outside of US. I was wondering why they stated it like that instead of naming the actual country. I never said anything that's made in China is bad, but the quality control is not as important there and contamination could occur, that's what my concern is.

I have definitely set it aside until my eyes go back to absolute normal, then I'll try it again although I'm a bit scared to lol!

Oct 22, 2015

Aurora S.

Yeah, I had a HORRIBLE reaction to this one anti aging eye cream from Garnier. My eyes were swollen and really red and ugh. But when I use their other one I had no issue at all. And their anti aging face cream, no issue either. It was really weird. I set it aside and eventually tried it again a month later and didn't have an issue afterward which was odd.

It could be because it's just easier to say? Or perhaps because of stigma of using things from certain countries like China.
When it says "made in China" some people tend to overreact.
Quality control and ingredient types of things are important in China. There are quite a few ingredients in China and Europe that are banned but not in the US. The US is actually quite lax with I believe 200+ ingredients that are banned in Europe and Asia.
I think the bad quality stuff aren't from reputable places but I'm sure a brand like Lorac would purchase ingredients from the reputable cosmetic-grade suppliers in China.

If you're scared to use it again, perhaps it's best you just return the product. I don't think it would be worth it if it has the chance of causing a reaction again

Oct 22, 2015

Aurora S.

But allowed in products in the US*

Oct 22, 2015

Livi H.

Oh my gosh aurora sorry you had to go through that! Your reaction to the eye cream sounds way worse than mine right now. How long did it take you to heal? Maybe your skin gained immunity from the ingredient in the eye cream when you first tried it? Haha, you're a trooper!

Gosh I didn't know US is like that with some ingredients that are banned from other places. Yikes. I have Lorac unzipped and it had no reaction on me. I hope it's not the Lorac mega and it's just my immune system playing games on me, lol!

Oct 22, 2015

Shauna S.

I assume they're getting away with saying non US materials because the laws in the USA probably don't require you to list all countries. you're probably reacting to one of the ingredients in the makeup. lots of companies change their formula so they might have added something new to their eyeshadow. I agree the USA is quite more lax when it comes to quality control. not that they let anything into their stores but many other companies have a lot more strict laws about quality control. many companies will buy ingredients from very cheap suppliers from different countries to save money. I hope you feel better. I would personally return it to something you can use all the time.

Oct 22, 2015

Shelley W.

I agree with Aurora. My eyelids reacted exactly as you described when I tried Colourpop eye shadows. As soon as I left it alone then my lids healed up. They itched and then started getting tiny welts. When the welts popped up that when I said screw it and dropped them like a bad habit. I personally wouldn't risk re-introducing my lids to something that caused me irritation the first go around. The second time could be much worse than the first time. :(

Oct 23, 2015

Livi H.

Thank you Shauna and Shelley they have their reasons I guess not to list... I read my other palettes and they list it even if it's made in more than one country. Of course, only the box and brush is made in China. Lol I can't find anything regarding Lorac mega pro 2. Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and return it... It isn't fun if it's causing me grief! Everyone knows I'm an eyeshadow junkie so being without Eyeshadows for this long is a bum!!