Cystic acne help


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Nov 2, 2015

Amy V.

I suffer from cystic acne, I have been referred to the dermatologist for treatment but in the meantime I woke up today and could feel 3 cysts beginning to form under the skin- is there anything I can do to prevent these from appearing of to minimise them? Thanks :)

Nov 2, 2015

Diana T.

Are you using any prescription treatments right now? If so - it's best to consult your dermo before using anything else to ensure it doesn't interfere with your current treatment - otherwise for my cystic acne when I feel them under the skin - I reach for my Mario badescu buffering lotion - it was made specifically for cystic acne and it helps those bumps to stop forming in the first place or gets them to a head more quickly - that paired with a sulfur mask for the bumps that do end up forming cuts the healing time significantly for me - other good spot treatments have tea tree oil they have been used to treat mosquito bites as an anti-septic and to reduce redness, swelling and itching and it works well on cystic bumps too.

Nov 2, 2015

appi A.


Nov 3, 2015

Maggie F.

I've had hormonal cystic acne as well. My dermatologist said most topical medications don't really help it 😞. I know for me that spironolactone was amazing and the only thing that has helped! It did take 3 months to work though. I do find that benzoyl peroxide might help a little more than other options. I think it's smart you are going to the dermatologist as cystic acne can cause scarring if it continues and it's even more frustrating and expensive to get rid of.

Nov 4, 2015

Laxmi T.

I had the same problem and this is what worked for me...took a while but now I don't even get a breakout let me know if you have any questions! You'll have to order through me :)

Nov 6, 2015

Laxmi T.

Nov 6, 2015

Jeana D.

Cystic acne is generally hormonal is what I was told from my Derma. Eventually I went from Spironolactone to Accutane. Best decision ever... Spironolactone is great and worked well in combo with my BC but I was ready for something longer lasting. It is a decision you have to think long and hard about, discuss over and over with your Derma. Until you get in use Salicylic acid and Benzoyl Peroxide tropicals, they will help.

Nov 7, 2015

Carolyn O.

MUAC MANDELIC ACID PEEL makes it come to a head in overnight for me.