Reversing Sun Damage


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Nov 4, 2015

Logan C.

I'm 23 years old and although I don't have any signs of sun damage yet I know it must be there under the surface because I used to be outside by a pool all summer. What products can I use to prevent this from showing? Obviously I know to not get any more excessive sun exposure and wear high spf.

Nov 4, 2015

Shelley W.

Using a sunscreen of at least 35 going forward is a great start followed by exfoliating two times a week with either a topical product or manual, using a hydrating moisturizer that contains peptides and antioxidants and using a daytime serum that is vitamin c based. Some dermos will tell you that its not reversable while there are some who disagree. Sun spots for example have a way of cropping up years later after accumulative exposure so its all dependent on what you do going forward that will determine just how intense and how much will cover your skin. I'm a big fan of retinols and they are great at fading any sun spots that decide to rear their ugly heads. Not only do you have to contend with the spots but also with the premature wrinkling of the skin...another reason why I mentioned the exfoliating and use of a peptide/antixodant rich moisturizer and vitamin c.

Nov 6, 2015

Logan C.

Okay thank you so much Shelley! I do exfoliate normally at least once a week and I use a vitamin c serum. I will look into some moisturizers... Right now I just use a simple brand moisturizer because I got it on sale lol. Thanks again for all your help!