Niece's Peacock Makeup.


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Oct 27, 2015

Sofia S.

My niece is going to be a peacock for Halloween and I want to do her makeup like this, but she's only 7. How can I make this appropriate for a 7 year old? THANKS!!

Oct 27, 2015

Sheslay F.

I personally don't see anything wrong with it for a 7 year old. Its Halloween and most kids go all out anyways, but if its that bad then you could just take away the dark eyeliner and mascara and you could still do the eyeshadow.

Oct 27, 2015

Lara C.

Softer pencil liner, no liner on bottom lash line, no falsies. It's Halloween

Oct 27, 2015

Sofia S.

Thank you

Oct 27, 2015

Lara C.

I think I hit send before finishing my phrase. By its Halloween I meant it's ok to go a little crazy even for kids but just soften it up

Oct 27, 2015

Jeremiah H.

I think it's wonderful just make sure the products are usable and kid friendly, in some cases the eye shadow can make the child's eye very puffy and red also be very careful with the mascara you might want to buy her, her own tube. Hope I was helpful!

Oct 28, 2015

Sofia S.