Dead skinned feet


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Jul 21, 2015

Gianna S.

Ok so my feet lately have been peeling of dead skin and no matter what I do it will not stop. I've been doing Vaseline with socks every night and yesterday I did the listerine and vinegar soak and it didn't work. Please help. Here's a picture of what my feet look. They are so bad that I'm conscious of wearing flip flops because my feet are so nasty right now. Please help! Thanks!

Jul 21, 2015

Gianna S.

And my heals are even worse.

Jul 21, 2015

Zoey W.

get a pumice

Jul 21, 2015

Gianna S.

I've tried that too and it barely does anything.

Jul 21, 2015

Lara C.

You need to use a scrub. You can buy one in stores, use a pumice or a foot exfoliator or make a scrub yourself. Then you can apply a foot or body cream onto your feet and you can use socks over it too. Vaseline is not moisterizing so thats why it didnt work. I personally like to do a foot soak too before my scrub... Just soak your feet in warm water with salts.

Jul 21, 2015

Lara C.

But definitely use cream every night before bed.

Jul 21, 2015

Gianna S.

Thanks Lara! Do you know any good feet scrubs? Or kind of use one that I would make for a lip scrub?

Jul 21, 2015

Erica H.

If you can afford it I would start with a pedicure where they get rid of most of it for you and then just use what the other girls said for maintenance :)

Jul 21, 2015

Lara C.

Well I know stores that have good ones. The drugstore usually has foot scrubs but you can always look for a body scrub too. Face and lip scrubs might be a little too fine for feet. But for a diy version I would probably use salt or brown sugar because its a big bigger and mix it with some oils to get a nice consistency.

Jul 21, 2015

Emily B.

Okay, I have wayyy worse feet than that and my mom's are so bad they crack open and bleed and it hurts her to walk. She has to superglue her feet. It's painful and awful. So here's the deal with our feet.
The listerine foot scrub thing totally dries them out because there is alcohol in that mouthwash. Don't do it. The pumice Stone is good, but you have to push gently and only scrub in one direction. Multiple directions makes the foot peel and stuff way way worse. It distresses the skin. Also, at Walmart they have the little foot scrubber over by the pumice stones. It has three or four parts. One is a buffer or looks like sandpaper, one is a cheese grater looking thing and the other side is the pumice stone and a brush. That's good if your feet are super bad.
What I do is soak my feet in warm water for ten or fifteen minutes, or if you're in a bath just chill. Then I use the stone to scrub in one direction and work only in the Super dry or dead skin areas. I put my feet back in the water for about five minutes and check again. When I'm done soaking or showing or whatever, I use Profoot heel rescue superior foot cream. It has Moroccan argan oil in it and it's seriously amazing.. It is not greasy, has no weird smell, just perfect. It cost about six dollars. The deal is I put this on and rub it all into my feet and then I out extra on where I'm really dry and I wear comfy socks with it and leave them on overnight. After three days, my feet weren't cracked and now my feet are soft and normal and they've never been this way. I don't run around barefoot anymore outside either.
Flip flops, depending on the material can dry your feet out. So while you do this, for three to seven days, I would wear socks and tennis shoes and avoid flip flops to get your feet better again. :)
Sorry for the long reply.

Jul 21, 2015

Emily B.

This is the stuff. A little goes a long long way.