This is a teeny bit gross but.


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Jul 19, 2015

Fae G.

Ok I got my roots done today and we used 30 Vol bleach and it was burning and itching but I thought that was normal but I just found like a scab thing on my head and D: did it burn me?? Have you guys had this happen? Are scabs normal on your scalp? Sorry if this is kinda gross I'm just a little worried.

Jul 19, 2015

Nikki D.

Have you done your roots before and felt this? If not maybe the person doing your hair this time changed something, like the volume of developer. Or left the bleach in too long. I know for sure this has happened to other people when working with bleach so I hope that you can get some better answers than mine, but I do know scabs aren't normal on your scalp! Another possibility could be that the person that applied the bleach probably did it too close to your scalp.
(I thought that you were supposed to leave a little space at the roots because the bleach swells.) Sorry I'm not a hairstylist just trying to contribute with whatever info I might have!

Jul 19, 2015

Lari P.

It's because the chemicals dry out your scalp so you're going to notice it. that's why it burns and itches too because of all the chemicals. it's not normal to have scabs on your scalp but it is if you're going to bleach it or use product that dries out your scalp or if you have a dry scalp in general it can be itchy and you can scratch too much you can get scabs.

Jul 19, 2015

Dorothea S.

Not only do I agree with the ladies above but another cause for it could be if you were scratching your head. The skin on your scalp is actually pretty fragile when it comes to scratching so though even when you scratch your head you don't feel it, it actually is abrading the skin there(tearing/micro tearing) therefore with such a harsh chemical being applied that closely to the scalp it could cause such a reaction where a scab will form. I get my hair relaxed sometimes or "permed" and I notice the days leading up to it that if I scratch my head a lot then scabs will form so I'd be mindful of that.

Jul 19, 2015

Tessandra R.

The ladies above are completely correct!

Jul 19, 2015

Fae G.

This was my first time getting them done at a new person but at the old lady she used 40 volume 0.0 but yes she did just apply it to like my scalp and roots, she didn't leave any room. >~< I don't think I was scratching it at all but thank you guys :) next time I get my roots done I'll like ask her about it or something

Jul 19, 2015

Tessandra R.

Ya definitely be careful! If she was older she might still use techniques that were used back when she was taught in Hair Coloring. And sometimes they don't keep up to date with new/safer techniques. It's like moms back in the day would put their babies on their stomachs when they go to sleep, but nowadays moms to put their babies on their backs to reduce the risk of suffocating. Moms back in the day didn't know that. So she might not know to put some space between your scalp and the bleach. Definitely check with her! :)

Jul 19, 2015

Dorothea S.

Agree with Tessandra, chemicals like that should definitely not be applied directly to the scalp, so double check with your stylist, and let her know if you can as well so that way she can change her technique or it couldve just been an honest mistake but regardless she can adjust the way she applies the bleach.

Jul 19, 2015

Alyx T.

Unfortunately it happens, it's incredibly hard to tell when you're doing it if any has gotten on the scalp. But the only thing is she should have asked if it was itching or burning, that means you have it on your scalp or a bad reaction happened to the product on your hair. Then you should have said yes and she should have rinsed it off.

I've had it happen once, because I thought the itching and burning was normal, and when she asked I was shy and said no. But it'll go grossly away in the next week. Put polysporin or a burn cream on it. I know it's gross. But do it lol. It'll help heal and help the pain.
It's also going to flake, and you'll have to guide scabby flakes through your hair strands. The burn scab will form around the hair strands so you'll have to pull it through.
Don't brush near your scalp, just the ends of needed.

Jul 19, 2015

Fae G.

>~< yea I thought the burning and itching was normal :( but ok thank you so much for your help :)

Jul 20, 2015

Roz X.

This has nothing to do with the age of the stylist. People of all ages keep up with technique and product...and I'm certain there are plenty of current stylists botching customers. We all have hair horror stories from a host of different happens.
Bleach can be brutal..even at lower volumes. My advice is to give your scalp much needed rest from washing and brushing. Perhaps a loose bun is best for now. I personally wouldn't return to the salon and instead hit up Foursquare and Yelp for reviews and pics to help find the right place for your next appointment. You can safely apply antibiotic ointment/cream to prevent infection. I've been there...your scalps oil will bring a bit more relief soon.

Jul 20, 2015

Roz X.

(If it isn't healed in a,week, I'd see my Dr. or Derm) Feel better soon.

Jul 20, 2015

Fae G.

The lady I go to is my moms friend and my mom has been going to her for like 15 years And I used to go to dance with her daughter D: I told my mom and she said next time I should tell her about it and maybe she can do something to help but thank you :) and I will make sure I am taking care of it and I've been putting polysporin on it so thank you :)

Jul 20, 2015

Roz X.

Sometimes it is tough when you do business with family friends. I respect your choice, but still feel a pro salon is a move worth considering. Best of luck to you!

Jul 20, 2015

Lara C.

Well I have scabs on my scalp for eczema pretty often. Unless its unbearable or infected just don't touch it!! I always do and it gets worse. You can possible apply a bit of coconut oil or maybe polysporin but as Rozberry said your scalp will heal it with natural oils and itll clear up pretty fast.

Btw I don't know much about hair dying so I'm no help there lol

Jul 20, 2015

Alyx T.

Honestly just next time if it starts to burn or itch, tell her, and wash it off.
She's not a bad or "untrained" or anything. She just didn't communicate with you well enough and you didn't know it wasn't right.

Jul 20, 2015

Tessandra R.

@Rozberry I said that because I've known stylists that haven't at all kept up-to-date with techniques or styles. When I'd ask them with a style or coloring style (like bayalage) the woman I went to bad no idea what I was talking about. So it's possible she didn't know to put space between the scalp and bleach. It's also possible that she just botched it up. I hope it heals soon @Turwaithiel! :)

Jul 20, 2015

Roz X.

Tessandra, I understand that, and countered your point with personal experience with stylists of differing ages who have caused discomfort or weren't familiar with product. I never assume that one's age is going to limit their knowledge of technique, product or trends. In any event, it seems a scalp rest is due and hopefully the matter will be rectified in the future. Seems like a communication issue as Alyx noted. If it is skill, then next color will be more telling. My best to Turwaithel's scalp and better luck in the future.

Jul 20, 2015

Alyx T.

Not to cause drama, but this is just basic application of dye or bleach. There's no new techniques or anything. It's been taught like this for more than 50 years. It's just putting it on the hair, but avoiding the scalp. It's a communication error and possibly a brush error. If she had even a drop to much of bleach it can goop up on the scalp.
It has nothing to do with training or age. It happens, even the most trained and most experienced in bleach will still burn a few scalps if nothing is communicated in the process.
It happens, some people have sensitive scalps to certain brands of bleach, and some don't, and turwaithiel didn't know that something was wrong so she didn't say anything. Like I said above, I had my hair bleached (and had many times before that) and felt uncomfortable, it was stinging but it always feels uncomfortable to me having it on my head so I didn't say anything, and thought I could just go through the pain. The next day I had several burns on my scalp. After I got more comfortable with her, like a year later I told her about it, and she said she thought so, because my scalp got a bit Pinker. she told me that the scalp gets just a shade or two darker than it is normally once it's been burnt (unless it's a huge bad burn) but a lot of stylists miss it, because it's hard to know what shade of pink the persons scalp was in that spot. Especially when paying attention to the hair rather than the scalp.

Jul 20, 2015

Roz X.

Well said, Alyx. Great points made.

Jul 20, 2015

Tessandra R.

I'm not here to argue, but I don't necessarily like it when my point -one that I've seen true through my and my family's experiences- is dismissed as if false. The stylist my mom goes to has indeed used a new technique for my mom when bleaching her hair. They were happy with the results. I believe the difference was a different kind of brush or how she applied. I respect your guy's veiws, you both raised good points. But that doesn't mean my point is incorrect. That's all I'm saying. It's different with every stylist and salon. People are taught differently in different Beauty schools.