Dont Wear Red Lipstick!


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Jan 2, 2013

Yasmine K.

If you are pregnant .. Its highly recommended not to put on red lipstick as it contains huge amounts of lead in its formulation that finds its way through tha placenta to the fetus brain!! According to the FDA the highest amount of lead was found in the brands maybelline, dior, cover girl and l'oreal
Just thought of sharing maybe it can be useful or help someone

Jan 2, 2013

Tristan S.


Jan 2, 2013

K J.

that's good to know :) 

Jan 2, 2013

Loren B.

Omg isnt the whole purpose of the FDA to ensure that there is NO LEAD and only safety tested or known safe items find thier way to our beauty and hygiene products!!! I don't want lead on my face at all. As for pregnancy I'm sure I never wore makeup, polish or brushed let alone colored my hair- I just laid on the sofa groaning from awfulness. 

Jan 2, 2013

Alisa D.

this is by no means true for all lipsticks let alone just red. sigh.

Where did you find this info?

Jan 2, 2013

Brooke E.

Due to curiosity, I googled this. The article I found states that the amount of lead is too low to trigger the law and the FDA says it is not a health concern unless you apply lipstick multiple multiple times a day. Please check your facts and cite sources next time.

Jan 2, 2013

Yasmine K.

Heard it on the Dr,s and here's a link i read

Jan 2, 2013

Angelique M.

Yupe true my doctor asked me to avoid during my pregnancy for the same reasons .. Thanks for caring :*

Jan 2, 2013

Shelley W.

Thank you Brooke E. 

Jan 2, 2013

Yasmine K.

When ur pregnant if u know that anything having any toxic inhredients in it even if its a small amount that might slightly harm ur baby u would just avoid it without arguing .. To hell with all lipsticks not only red !!