Help Me With Some Home Remedies For Glowing And Beautiful Skin.


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Nov 13, 2015

Ruhi D.

Help me with some home remedies for glowing and beautiful skin.

Nov 13, 2015

Isabella R.

2 tablespoons of Cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of Ginger and keep adding a table spoon of honey until it's the right mask consistency you like. I got this recipe from @BareBeautyMovement on YouTube it works wonders☺️ she talks about all natural beauty tips.

Nov 13, 2015

Avery M.

Greek yogurt, or a super moisturizing mask with honey, avocado, yogurt, and cocoa powder :) they make your skin amazingly glowy!

Nov 13, 2015

Kathy K.

cool tips ladies

Nov 13, 2015

Nathalie C.

Cinnamon will burn your skin. I'm not a fan of home remedies exactly because of this reason. People put whatever on their skin and it makes things worse, but then they claim it's natural and search the culprit somewhere else.

Nov 13, 2015

Kayla E.

I like mixing milk with honey, green tea grinds, and rice powder to manage my redness and even out my skin tone :)

Nov 13, 2015

Aan N.

Squished avacado and honey and a little bit of lemon. It's AMAZING for my skin. I have combination oily skin.

Nov 13, 2015

Shauna S.

I do not recommend putting lemon on your skin. it's extremely acidic and can make you more prone to burning when you go outside. lemon also has bleaching effects which you want to avoid. I really like putting avacado, yogurt (make sure it's all natural and contains NO sugar. sugar can really upset your skin), and honey. always do a spot test before applying anything to your skin in case you get a reaction.

Nov 13, 2015

Delara g.

I totally agree with ave m.

Nov 13, 2015

Logan C.

Honestly drinking more water has helped my skin become more glowy more then any treatment. And by more water I mean like a gallon a day.

Nov 13, 2015

Noemy M.

Agree with Logan. There's a couple of things you can do at home but I mean water is the most I consider " natural " if that makes sense.

Nov 14, 2015

Ruhi D.

Moong lentils are good for skin.

Nov 14, 2015

Diana T.

Beauties please - she asked for home remedies not your personal opinions on whether or not you recommend them - please stay positive on her thread and answer her question - I personally find sugar scrubs to be a great exfoliant to help skin glow but some people think it's too rough for the face but I've never had problems with using it once every 6 months or so just give my skin a quick pick me up to slough away dead skin cells and it actually works well to get rid of the flakes of my psoriasis

Nov 14, 2015

Ruhi D.

Thanks gals... I'm really fine with all the answers and suggestions...

Nov 14, 2015

Shauna S.

I agree I think this thread is positive. people are giving their personal opinions and are educating each other on certain ingredients :)

Nov 15, 2015

Diana T.

Shauna how is it educating to express your personal opinion without any scientific studies or data to back it up? There is nothing out there that proves lemons or cinnamon or any other home skincare remedies are bad or good for your skin - but if you have some scientific evidence that proves me wrong then please share it - I would love to see the scientific studies that tested lemons or cinnamon or whatever else on human skin to prove it was bad or good for everyone and all skin types.

Nov 15, 2015

Diana T.

Thanks for your theories and hypothesis reny but unless you have scientific studies that have tested these theories on people then all you are doing is sharing your opinion - same goes for professional opinions - they are still just opinions - not facts.

Nov 15, 2015

Diana T.

Why is it when I share my difference in opinion I'm being negative but when you and others share yours then it's positive? That doesn't make any sense to me - and if you have any scientific data to support your sugar theory then please share it as well because I would love to see the data to support it - just because something is "well known" does not make it true - at one point the earth was "well known" to be flat

Nov 15, 2015

Shelley W.

All this talk has me hungry. Combine some of these ingredients together and we could have some tasty baked goods. All jokes aside everyone needs to play nice. Let's not blow this thread into a battle of words. It's fine to offer words of caution but let's not go into a battle over it.

Renee Rouleau...a popular skin esthecian who has a product line that I absolutely adore and have used in the past extensively just posted her experience in regards to lemon juice. It stained her skin and that of her gf. She has an article detailing the experience on her blog along with pictures. It's not pretty. I sometimes add a drop or two in a lip scrub I sometimes make but I use it only at night and it's wiped off.

I don't have the patience to play chemist a lot of times but one DIY is a mask I like to use if my skin is feeling irritated/itchy.
*greek plain yogurt
*distilled water or milk

I throw all of it in the food processor and blend away. I get it to the consistency of a thick pudding and apply to the affected areas. It's great for insect bites...especially mosquitos.

Nov 15, 2015

Natalie D.

You can get a physicians formula argan oil set, it comes with a argan oil bottle with a dropper, and a bb cream, and blush and it makes your skin glow.

Nov 15, 2015

Diana T.

Well I haven't ever found anything scientific out there in terms of actual studies done on people that proves anything home made or DIY is good or bad for the skin - which is why I was genuinely curious where you all get your information - I'm sorry if my "tone" which I'm not sure how you can gauge a tone of voice without hearing it and only from reading text - is aggravated but I'm really not at all - yes I'm passionate about science and chemistry since I got my masters in chemistry - but I don't want to drag on this thread so if you do find any credible studies or sources please post them directly to my profile - but I appreciate everyone's opinion and input - we all are entitled to one - and I apologize for taking the discussion in a negative direction if that's what I've done so I'll stop now and await your response on my profile wall reny :)

Nov 16, 2015

Aliyyah M.

Waterrrrrrr. & NO SODAS. I promise, lol

Nov 16, 2015

Lin F.

For my 2 cents worth maybe this might help explain why not to use certain products by Veronica Gorgeios

Nov 16, 2015

Diana T.

Yes Lin thanks for sharing another person's opinion who also doesn't cite any scientific sources or evidence to back up her claims :) I'm sorry but until I see some conclusive scientific data on the matter any person's opinion is just that - an opinion.

Nov 17, 2015

Jen C.

I found some science based facts.
my personal opinion from expirence; I have used cinnamon in some home remedies, but in small quantities ( 1 drop of oil per 4oz) , too much cinnamon and it may make your skin burn. Always patch test first.