Will the dermatologist give me a shot?


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Nov 14, 2015

Jessica T.

I've had bad acne for almost 6 years now, and I am officially sick of it. I want to go to the dermatologist, but I am TERRIFIED of needles. If they're just checking out my face, will they draw blood or anything? What should I expect when going to the dermatologist about acne? I'm really nervous, any info would help!

Nov 14, 2015

Isabella A.

From what I know, no they won't use any needles. They usually recommend skin cream or methods for getting rid of acne.

Nov 14, 2015

Gabby M.

I don't know much about acne, but I have heard that they might need to do a blood test before giving you certain medications to make sure they're safe for you to use, but I doubt that would be their first option, also I havent heard of dermatologists usually needing bloodtests, especially if you let them know that you're uncomfortable with needles. If you do need to get a bloodtest for any purpose though, I've gotten them done nearly once a month lately because of medical reasons, and some advice I have is to just keep thinking that it'll be over before you know it, because it usually only takes about 10-20 seconds! As for the pain, its really not too bad at all, its just feels like a pinch :) if you've gotten your ears or anything pierced, its almost like that in the sense that its over super quickly except it hurts less than piercings :)

Nov 14, 2015

Gabby M.

I also agree with Isabella, they'll most likely give you a few medications to try out first that aren't too strong, bloodwork would only be needed if it was a very strong medication.

Nov 14, 2015

Roz X.

In my experience, derms will examine your skin both with the naked eye and then under a lighted magnifier if there is an area or item they want to investigate further. A great derm will ask you questions about everything from your routine to your diet and heredity. It is equally important that *you* ask questions, let them know if a particular skin issue runs in the family..if you have allergies, sensitivities, etc.

Derms do sometimes order bloodwork to check to see if your body is okay to use a particular medication. Needles are also used at derms in a variety of procedures, but again this is an initial *consultation* ...and not a scheduled procedure and so it really about an exam and addressing your concerns...along with discussing recommendations and finding what will work for your particular type of acne. Often, topical meds in conjunction with a common, non-intensive oral treatment is a starting point, which is needle free. A follow up visit will be scheduled to monitor your skin after x amount of time has passed.

If there is bloodwork, as Gabby pointed out, my own derm gives me an order for it and does not take it in the office herself...and so that might be the case rather than actually seeing a needle on your first visit. Most of us are terrified of needles, but this is when our mind makes something much worse than it truly is. I find looking away to be incredibly helpful. I also make small-talk about anything other than what is going on at that moment. Before you know it, it is over. Shots are even quicker and the anxiety before can be taken down a notch if you remember that worrying isn't going to change a single thing and that you are a path to wellness that's gonna make you look and feel SO much better.

I'd be very surprised if you had any needle encounters upon your first consultation.

I enjoy my derm visits and learn a lot upon them..as well as discover new products sometimes. I always feel much better after my derm...even though it is for other skin concerns.. and I think you will too.

Nov 14, 2015

Kitty K.

I have to disagree because my dermatologist did use needles on my first visit but not for blood work.
I had severe hormonal acne and some areas were infected and I was in a lot of pain. He gave me cortisone shots which helped tremendously (with my permission, of course) and I have to say that getting my eyebrows threaded actually hurt wayyy more. He did make it comfortable and tried to get me not to watch but needles don't scare me and made me feel a lot better.
Afterwards, before proceeding with any kind of medication he gave me an antibiotic and ordered me to go get birth control as that was his first step before giving any kind of medication. (The birth control cleared up everything!)

Nov 14, 2015

Roz X.

That's interesting to know, Kitty. I've received shots, but never on a first derm vissit, but then again acne has always been a secondary issue for my derm visits. So glad the Dr. was able to provide you with relief.

Nov 14, 2015

Roz X.


Nov 17, 2015

Noemy M.

I think each dermatologist has their own way of recommending things for you...I've gone & I didn't get any needles but my brothers gone & he did. I think it all depends on where you go.

Nov 17, 2015

Noemy M.

But I agree with kitty...once I got on birth control my acne & scars went away my face really cleared up but weight went up so there's different methods that dermatologist use.