Scarlett johanson skin


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Nov 4, 2015

Aysel H.

So I recently just discovered that many celebrities including Scarlette Johanson ( not sure if correct spelling) use apple cider vinegar to Tone and wash the skin and she has some pretty amazing skin so I was wondering if any of you use it and have seen positive results or use any other natural ingredients like fullers earth for your skin which so many people also do
Ps I've heard Apple cider vinegar is excellent for curing acne
Would be great to know your opinion and experiences

Nov 4, 2015

Ari M.

I don't see the benefits on putting something very acidic on my skin tbh

Nov 4, 2015

Shauna S.

Apple cider vinegar is an amazing thing!! it helps with sooo many problems such as acne, warts, digestion, etc. (I'll post a photo). it has been known to help the ph balance of your skin. for example, having a bath with a couple drops of Apple cider vinegar has helped people who have an irregular ph in their feminine area. I personally haven't used it on my face and many acidic things can easily harm the thin skin on your face. I would do some research into how you can dilute the vinegar so that it is safe to use on your face.

Nov 4, 2015

Shelley W.

I'm very skeptical of stars who describe their skincare regimes as basic DIY. You have to remember that they depend on their beauty to remain relevant and not be pushed aside for the new up and coming actress so visits to the dermo and plastic surgeon might be included in their skincare program. I'd follow Shauna's advice and tread carefully when it comes to dilution. The only time I use it is to mix in my clay mask instead of water. And even then I only use the mask once a month if that because of how intense it is on the skin.

Nov 5, 2015

Chloe N.

I used apple cider vinegar for a while and it helped with the bigger more red marks on my skin but then after a while it made my skin super sensitive and gave me these little clusters of rough patches all over my cheeks and chin. Maybe just use it once a week?

Nov 5, 2015

Nathalie C.

Hi, Scarlet and the others are just heavily photoshopped. There is no other miracle. Everyone has acne, at least once in a while, pores, some texture, fine lines... Scarlet is no exception. In fact, if I look at this photo of her, I find that many girls on the street have skin that looks better than hers. That said, I do use Apple vinegar, but only in my hair.
The website where I found this photo has been a big help to me realizing that no one is perfect, and that even the most perfect is certainly not better than me.

Nov 5, 2015

Roz X.

I feel that partivular page hyper-sharpens photos and zooms in on faces in a way that isn't natural to the eye. They also pick photos with some making strange faces and so I feel it is designed to be a harsher than what the mirror reflects. That said, I agree that photoshop is used as are lighting and make-up application for the camera and video editing means we often never get to see those very flaws we share and can relate to.

Nov 5, 2015

Roz X.


Nov 5, 2015

Kitty K.

The ladies above make a good point, not to mention that genetics can also play a role on your skin's appearance.
I did use ACV as a toner and the difference was very mild... not to mention the stench was overwhelming and was not worth it.
My current toner does wayyyy more, and without the harsh smell. Have you looked into Thayer's line of witch hazel toner? I think it would yield better results without having the worry of your skin's PH and the additional smell. (Your sheets will also smell like vinegar if you use it consistently enough!)

Nov 5, 2015

Nathalie C.

Rozberry, sometimes the photo isn't good or they zoom a lot, but that reflects what we see when we scrutinize ours pores in the bathroom mirror. So to me it makes total sense!

Nov 5, 2015

Nathalie C.

I mean, no one looks at us that way, because people stay about 1m away from each other, not 15 cm.

Nov 5, 2015

Grace T.

That pic of Scarlet is what I think I look like in most photos!  Lol.

Nov 6, 2015

Ashley L.

I like to add it with baking soda to warm water as a foot soak/ scrub. It gets rid of my dead skin. But I'd never put it anywhere else, especially my face. It sounds too harsh.