Acne treatments for sensitive skin.


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Nov 6, 2015

Joann G.

My skin is pretty sensitive to the point where most lotions give me a rash. Sometimes I try acne products because I'm breaking out but then I end up with a chemical burn all over my face or a rash that itches for a week. Please help.

Nov 6, 2015

Delara g.

I have sensitive skin too and because I do I stopped using any acne products. I started searching for natural remedies on YouTube and one of the vids I watched said to use unflavoured yoghurt as a face mask for 20 mins so I decided to try this twice a day and within 2 weeks my face was acne and blemish free! Plus it made my face look so clean and glowy I was amazed at the result

Nov 6, 2015

appi A.


Nov 6, 2015

Kitty K.

I had some pretty severe acne and I have very sensitive... I know exactly how you feel!
Any product you use should be fragrance free (synthetic or natural fragrance can cause irritation which can also contribute to break outs.) Fragrance listed at the very bottom of an ingredient list won't be problematic.
Solvent Alcohol (not to be confused with fatty alcohols which are good for the skin ) is another one to avoid, along with the free radical damage it does it can make your skin feel like it's burning.

I used a basic cleanser... I did 5 days with a cleanser using benzoyl peroxide and weekends using a cleanser with Salicylic Acid. ( I obtained these cleansers from my dermatologist's private line). This helped keep my breakouts at bay.

I followed by toning using Paula's choice 2% extra strength salicylic acid treatment. Start this off slowly... use it only at night time maybe every other day. This is a chemical exfoliant which exfoliates deep down into your pores as opposed to manual exfoliants which only exfoliant the very superficial layer of the skin. Steer clear from manual exfoliation and try to keep it to a minimum of once a week.

Do make sure you wear a Physical sunscreen. Chemical sunscreen's can really makes your face feel like it's on fire... sunscreen is essential to prevent redness and irritation from the suns harmful rays along with making any acne marks darker. I like Elta MD's Tinted SPF 41... it's tinted light beige so it adds coverage and it's not greasy or dry. I use it under make up and it doesn't disrupt it either.

I usually wait 5 minutes for the treatment to sink in and apply a spot treatment.
I use the BP spot treatment from Paula's choice (what you use is up to you..) since it doesn't irritate me. I found tea tree oil to really sting no matter how diluted it is.

I usually follow with an oil and my moisturizer(Jojoba, Squalane, or Rosehip oil are my favorites. Jojoba is great for extra moisture... Squalane and Rosehip work great at both moisturizing and evening out skin tone.)
The moisturizer I use is typically cerave... I use the lotion on normal days and when my skin gets dehydrated I use the cream in the jar.

Nov 17, 2015

appi A.

What moisturiser you use Kitty K.