Lip pimple help?!


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Dec 9, 2015

Hannah N.

So I woke up with a pimple right on my lip line. It hurts and I have no idea why it is there? Any suggestions? Or ways to get rid of it? I have some acne on my forehead but my lip? 

Dec 10, 2015

Sarah O.

Oh yes I know how you feel. I have had those too, but not in a long time. But I would ask your parent if it is a pimple or a cold sore.

Dec 10, 2015

Chloe N.

Is it on the skin next to your lip or on your actual lip? If it's on your actual lip it is a cold sore, and will not improve if you try to pop it. Also cold sores are very contagious and be sure to wash your hands before touching your eye!! If it's a pimple..I know it hurts really bad...but I would steam it with hot water, put a treatment on it or a clay mask, and then pop it.

Dec 10, 2015

Sarah O.

Cold sores can look like pimples.

Dec 10, 2015

Hannah N.

It's a whitehead with redness surrounding it and yes Chloe it is on the skin right next to the lip and thanks guys.

Dec 10, 2015

Kailey L.

Most whiteheads are "safe" to pop, but there's a school of thought that says the area surrounding your upper lip and nose (referred to as the "triangle of death") is at greater risk of infection than other areas. I don't know how true that is, but I haven't popped a pimple in that area since lol. I would just put a spot treatment on and let it pop naturally. You'd likely be fine, but it's a pretty painful spot to pop and not an area you want to risk scarring.

Dec 10, 2015

Lola A.

Take an Ibuprofen and take off the coated part but soaking it in water and rubbing it off so it turns white. Then take a little bit of water and soak the pill in it and mash it up to make a paste. Put the paste on for 10-15 and this will help it get smaller and eventually gone. It made mine smaller

Dec 10, 2015

Harmony G.

I just had a "pimple" just like that recently and it looked exactly a white head but it ended up being a cold sore but it went away in about 2-3 days so don't worry about it.

Dec 10, 2015

Hannah N.

Thanks ladies

Dec 11, 2015

Mary jane L.

Try putting Vicks vapor rub! Why it has menthol which kills bacteria do not I stress do not attempt to pop it! Use the rub at night!

Dec 13, 2015

Haili R.

Kailey it is unfortunately extremely true. Your small capillaries don't have valves to prevent back flow from your pores so if you push hard enough you can get back flow into your pore and you can get an infected capillary. I learned about it in one of my anatomy classes. After that I was right there with you in not popping any pimples in that area. I've tried Allysons idea when I had under skin acne and it worked