How to apply eyeliner?


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Dec 15, 2015

Nasiha R.

I've never used eyeliner before and I'd like to give it a go, but I have no idea where to start. Please help!

Dec 15, 2015

Alma M.

Hi Nasiha are you wanting a pencil, liquid, gel, cream,kohl or Cake liner?

Dec 15, 2015

Nasiha R.

Pencil. I want to start simple.

Dec 15, 2015

Desiree L.

How do you start a chat.

Dec 15, 2015

Avery M.

@Desiree, on the talk screen, not on the screen of this thread, but on the screen where you scroll through all of the convos, click the + button in the bottom left corner. Add a title, category, and text to describe your thread. :) hope this helps!

Dec 15, 2015

Sam R.

Yes I agree with Erin question... please answer Alma lol maybe pics would help
Nasiha I don't know if I could just take the pencil and make small strokes along your lash line as close to the lashes as possible... you can close your eye and use a finger to hold the skin taut at the outer corner of the eye but I put on eyeliner with my eyes open, you tube would help you also

Dec 15, 2015

Alma M.

Right to left is Inglot gel, Sephora cream, Femme Couture cake. Gel is tougher on staying power if you get a good one the finish has a vinyl look but the only down side is they do harden in the pot and some can tug the eye. Cream is so smooth and easy to work with makes a nice smokey eye but some can smudge a bit which isn't a big deal it is lovely to create with. Cake is great because it not only needs to be activated with a mixing medium or water it can be paired with the two mentioned for extra staying power or added darkness or used alone to give that classic sultry matte liner look. :)

Dec 15, 2015

Alma M.

Nasiha do you own any pencils yet? Make sure to start off with a soft tip pencil.:)

Dec 15, 2015

Sam R.

thanks Alma:)

Dec 15, 2015

Shengmin L.

I think gel eyeliner is the easiest in my opinion.