🚨Eyebrow Crisis Please Help🚨


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Dec 12, 2015

Bea S.

So I might have sort of just threaded part of my eyebrow off...(please don't ask)
Does anyone have any tried and tested ways to grow it back FAST? And I mean really fast, I really really need my eyebrow 😢😓😂 thank you ☺️

Dec 12, 2015

Justine S.

There's no way to make it grow back any faster. Do you have a picture? The only thing you can really do is draw I the part that's missing

Dec 13, 2015

Chloe N.

I would just draw it on...unfortunately all you can do is wait for it to grow back:( sorry for your eyebrow loss.

Dec 13, 2015

Jah-Jah R.

You could tint/dye the part of your eyebrow that is missing.

Dec 13, 2015

Bea S.

Thank you all so much for your advice. I guess I'll just draw it on for a while 😭😂 thank you all.

Dec 13, 2015

Lin F.

I have been rubbing in Vit E oil, it takes time, so far approx 4 weeks but a few hairs have appeared. I put a drop on each eyebrow (or where it used to be) and gently massage in.

Dec 13, 2015

Avery M.

Since you are going to draw them on, use very short and firm pencil strokes to mimic the look of natural hairs. And don't use too much brow gel! :)

Dec 14, 2015

Susana F.

Oh god that's happened to me I got my eyebrows threaded and the lady made them so thin and cut some of it off -.- like atleaat 3cm so they we're pretty short phaha and my other brow looked normal but at night I put vitamin E oil, coconut oil and caster oil on my brows and left jt over night and I didn't pluck my eyebrows for about 3 weeks and now my eyebrows are thicker than before and the missing bit had grown back lol!