Driest skin ever!!


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Dec 6, 2015

Freddi L.

What moisturizers do you guys recommend because I have dry skin but since it's getting colder where I live it's been out of control!!

Dec 6, 2015

Hannah K.

Can I ask what your routine looks like right now? Sometimes even the cleansers we use can dry us out. Personally, I spend 9 months of the year in Florida and when I go home for the holidays my skin gets so dry it flakes off and is super painful. When that happens, I use a cleansing balm instead of an actual cleanser, and then I go through my normal routine, following up my moisturizer (my favorite moisturizer of all time is the Korres Wild Rose and Vitamin C sleeping facial) with a sealant like the Yu•be cream to keep it all sealed in and prevent moisture from escaping.

Dec 6, 2015

Roz X.

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream in the jar is stellar. It has Hyaluronic Acid in it, which helps your skin really absorb that moisture. I'd pair it with Jojoba and/or Sweet Almond Oil, sleeping in the oil at night. For days you need less heavy of a cream CeraVe AM and CeraVe PM are a nice, gentle yet effective moisturizing option, even for sensitive skin/acne prone. They are packed with peptides and ceramides which are beneficial to skin's health.
CeraVe eye cream is also great for replacing lost hydration as is Mario Badescu Hyaluronic Eye Cream. There is a $2 off coupon on CeraVe's website. Most drugstores and chainstores carry it. Ulta does as well. I'd pair it with CeraVe hydrating face wash.
For moisturizing primer, if you aren't acne prone from mineral oil, Embryolisse Lait-creme Concentrate (sold here on Beautylish and at Sephora) is the bomb. Keeps dry skin soft, plump and make-up applies like a dream. If you are using toner, be sure it is aloe based, such as Thayers. Using cooler water to rinse your face will also help and keep your body hydrated with plenty of fluids and hydrating foods.
Hope that helps!

Dec 6, 2015

Avery M.

I use Clinique's Mild Liquid Face Wash and I swear by their Moisture Surge gel moisturizer. They also make a Moisture Surge Intense moisturizer (available in gel or cream, I would go with cream if you have super dry skin. :)

Dec 6, 2015

Grace F.

Ponds face cream is best!!

Dec 6, 2015

Freddi L.

I have the moisture surge from Clinque & use the CeraVe one but I still have dry patches on my nose & by hairline that won't go away!!

Dec 6, 2015

Hannah K.

Personally I don't like the Clinique, it isn't moisturizing enough for me. I definitely prefer the Korres or, a new one that I've just found is the Peter Thomas Roth Dragon's Blood moisturizer which is super thick and awesome.

Dec 6, 2015

Roz X.

Are you using the CeraVe lotion or the thick cream in the jar? Do you use oils and what wash are you using?
Also, what primer and foundation are you using and are you using a setting spray?

Dec 6, 2015

Avery M.

@Hannah, do you use the Intense or just regular Moisture Surge? I'm curious :)

Dec 6, 2015

Hannah K.

I'm currently using a sample of the Intense Moisture Surge :) but my skin is so dry it doesn't do much. It's very lightweight as far as intensive moisture creams go. I'm very glad it'll be gone by the time I have to go to Europe, I can't even imagine how dry my skin will get then.

Dec 6, 2015

Marleen B.

I've used a lot of good moisterizers for my naturally dry skin. But I realize that not everything will work for everybody. But the one item I turn to when all else fails is EGYPTIAN MAGIC CREAM. All natural, only contains 6 ingredients. Honey, beeswax, olive oil, royal jelly, bee pollen, and bee propolis. No water, so it doesn't evaporate. It also won't absorb into the skin. Its expensive, but it lasts a long time. Also great for healing skin that has been irritated or burned from aggressive facial treatments.

Dec 6, 2015

Diana T.

Jojoba oil works for me

Dec 6, 2015

Roz X.

Diana, I have a few oils I rotate and Jojoba is one of them. Mad love for it. Have you tried any other facial oils? I love Sweet Almond because it is high in beneficial fatty acids and is quick absorbing. Really leaves skin plump and soft, but it may not be for everyone. I love Rosehip as well as it brightens and rewards the complexion with a dewy glow. Evening Primrose and Apricot are also in my rotation, buy Jojoba and Sweet Almond I use the most. My Coconut I love for removing eye make up, keeping lashes soft and hair treatments, of course. I do have Argan that I use, bit I prefer the Josie light. Have you tried any of those?

Dec 6, 2015

Roz X.

Hannah...you can't bring travel sizes of your favorites on the plane?

Dec 6, 2015

Avery M.

@Hannah, that's really interesting. I have found that the Clinique dissolves into my skin really quickly, too. I like that, because greasy face lotions are my pet peeve :) I totally see where you're coming from. Have you tried Kiehl's Facial Fuel? It's a great moisturizer, not sure how it is in terms of intense hydration, but it's an amazing product :)

Dec 7, 2015

Diana T.

I'm afraid to try coconut because I'm acne prone and heard it's not the best for that skin type - but I've only tried like tea tree oil and castor oil for the OCM - otherwise I've tried the tarte maracuja oil and I love that too - it's similar to jojoba in its function and how it feels on the skin - but I've heard good things about almond oil I'll have to try it.

Dec 7, 2015

Roz X.

I keep Coconut to just my lashes and hair. I've tried the Tarte oil and felt it was overpriced and less effective than my beloved Sweet Almond..which is SO much cheaper and both Psoriasis and complexion friendly for me. Always keep Tea Tree in my medicine cabinet. Powerful stuff..lol I've never used Castor. I'll have to look into it. Thanks!

Dec 8, 2015

Diana T.

Castor is different from other oils I've tried - it's actually more drying than moisturizing - it has the effect of soaking up other oils it comes in contact with so its great for the OCM.

Dec 8, 2015

Roz X.

Ahhhh...I don't use the OCM, but that is great information and so I'm grateful for your sharing it. You are always so kind.

Dec 8, 2015

Diana T.

Yeah that's the only time I've ever used it - but thanks girl you're sweet too :)

Dec 11, 2015

Mary jane L.

Tackle dry skin first with an oatmeal bath second do s milk bath third make your own Shea butter YouTube it there are many tutorials. And hydration the skin is the largest organ drink plenty of water to combat dryness. If possible get some sunshine natural vitamin D. Lastly I use EVOO all over my body it keeps the dryness at bay well keeping the wrinkles looking prominent.

Dec 13, 2015

Lin F.

Do you apply the facial oils after your normal moisturizer or before? I use Vit E oil and I read somewhere, can't remember where - that after is better because it seals in moisture. So after cleansing & toning at night I apply Monsia intense night repair cream and then the Vit E oil. It has been working really well for me, especially since it has turned so cold here in the UK and the heating is on full blast! No more waking up to a "tight" face.