School makeup help!


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Dec 8, 2015

Natalie T.

I was wondering if it was worth starting to put makeup on for school, I'm in my last year of high school now (I'm british so year 11) and was curious as to if you guys think I should start wearing it to school. I feel much more comfortable when I'm in it but people are so used to seeing me with a natural face that I'm worried they'll make fun of me or something, is it worth it or should I wait the year out. There's about two people who know I can actually do makeup decently so I don't really know.

Dec 8, 2015

Sarah O.

If you want to go for it! If people make fun of you, ignore them. I started wearing makeup when I was 12 and I didn't get made fun of.

Dec 8, 2015

Fearless G.

Start with a classic look and see how it goes.
Good luck!!

Dec 8, 2015

Melia H.

I'm in 9th grade (: I would start off with light make up.. Eyeliner, mascara, foundation and maybe concealer. Nobody can make fun of you if you look better than them 👑 the best way to start using make up is watching YouTube videos. Asking your friends can be a big help too (: good luck 💕

Dec 8, 2015

Shawndra F.

Leave them with a beautiful lasting impression! I say go for it!

Dec 8, 2015

Tia A.

You could totally start wearing it now
Since you're wanting to avoid people paying too much attention to your new look you should start as subtle as possible
So I'd use BB cream, mascara, and lightly tinted lip gloss and when you're comfortable with that you could start using eyeliner, maybe a cute winged line or you could just start with simply tight lining your eyes
Putting on foundation, contouring, false lashes, shaping your brows take wayy too much time in my opinion so unless your willing to actually set aside a good hour for putting on makeup I would avoid those :)

Dec 8, 2015

Hannah K.

I'm in Year 13 (England) and I wore a little makeup to school in year 11. I wore a light coat of mascara, powder, a little concealer and filled in the ends of my brows :) Lots of people in my year wore lots of makeup and there are girls in the current year 11 at my school who do.

Dec 8, 2015

Avery M.

Go for it, but go natural! Stick with mascara, concealer, tinted moisturizer, lip balm, and maybe a little blush. :) xx

Dec 9, 2015

Natalie T.

Thanks you guys, I'll hit them with a banger after Christmas!

Dec 9, 2015

Hannah K.

You'll look fabulous Natalie, as you already do! I shocked everyone in Sixth Form by turning up with bright red and dark purple lipsticks and red eyeshadow and stuff like that because a lot of people see me as quite quiet, I loved the reaction!

Dec 10, 2015

Dia B.

I think you should go ahead and try it out. do whatever makes you happy and don't worry about what others think of you. if it makes you feel comfortable then take a shot at it.