Which comes first?


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Oct 2, 2015

Malik W.

So as I've expressed, I'm a beauty guru in training and am pretty new to the makeup world. I'm trying to perfect my daily routines but I'm not sure on which goes first... Concealer or foundation. I usually moisturize, prime, conceal any dark marks or blemishes and then apply my foundation. But I was recently told that you apply your foundation and then conceal. So does anyone know which actually goes first?

Oct 2, 2015

Rissa G.

It's really just personal preferance, in my opinion.They say applying it first, youhave a chance of moving the concealer around, but ai've never had that problem. I personally use concealer first though, I just think it helps use less foundation because the problem areas are already covered up!

Oct 2, 2015

Roz X.

You don't use sun protection?

Oct 2, 2015

Malik W.

My moisturizer has SPF in it.

Oct 2, 2015

Rebecca J.

I personally apply concealer after foundation. It's all personal preference as RT has said :-)

Oct 2, 2015

Roz X.

Ahhh...have to love multi-purpose products. I personally use my concealer first for my eye area...but reserve concealing any other areas until after applying CC Cream or foundation. I do this as I don't use foundation up beneath my eyes and this helps me blend the two products with ease.

Foundation can have enough coverage on its own to conceal certain things on its own which is why I consider foundation to be the first step and then concealer to cover anything the foundation didn't cover on its own.

Oct 2, 2015

Darlene V.

I agree with Alexis!

Oct 2, 2015

Whitney L.

I agree with Alexis as well. Foundation first so you know what needs more coverage.

Oct 2, 2015

Shreya S.

It depends on what kind of concealer. if it is a colored concealer used to cover any discoloration, apply that first, the foundation, then concealer. if you are not going to correct any discoloration, I would personally do foundation and then concealer, because foundation will just cover up any highlight that the concealer gave you.