Weird things on my nose!!


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Jan 3, 2013

Miso C.

My skin is rubbish! :(
This is my fourth time writing this because I keep clicking somewhere else so I shall keep it short.
I am suffering from some acne. It is clearing up, but the problem is my nose.
It just started a few days ago. I slept in my makeup and when I went to wash my face the sides of my nose (the crease and the area of my cheeks which are directly connected to the nose) are completely clogged.
The thing is these are not poppable. I tried popping, exfoliating, masks and pore strips, and I wash every night with my clarisonic. The thing is they are open. They are not closed pores. When my face is wet the white things pop up and look like they are half in and half out of my pores.
I wish I could take a picture to show you all but they disappear when my skin is dry! I can feel them because my skin in that area feels rough, but other than the redness the white things are not there!

Please if anyone has information on what they are or even better some tips and advice I would graciously appreciate your help!

Thank you!

Jan 3, 2013

Kim P.

Honestly, it looks like you digged yourself pretty deep by trying to pop and exfoliate and using masks and pore strips on the sides of your nose. First, try to stick with as light make-up as possible. From your icon it doesn't look like you wear that much, but clean make-up brushes and mascara wands and your clarisonic.

Second, let your skin breathe whenever you can. You're probably busy all the time, but if you get home and have a few hours to yourself to relax, take your make up off. I know this happened around new years eve and you probably got home late from a party, but it will feel better for your skin in the long run if you let it all go.

Third, detox! Your skin is probably suffering big time by now, after sleeping in make up and ripping off the top layers of skin. You'll want to stray from any products that contain alcohol in them, as this will only irritate your skin further.
On a Saturday or Sunday that you have the whole day off, or at least most of the day, go to bed the night before after taking a nice hot shower/bath, making sure you got 100% all of your make-up off from the day before, and moisturizing. Also the day before, drink as much water as you can.
The hot shower will send blood to the surface of your skin as your body goes through the process of trying to cool you down, and the blood at the surface of your skin will help repair your damaged skin. Relaxing and cleaning your face will also help your body beginning the renewal process when you sleep. Get eight or more hours of sleep!

Now, for the actual day you have off, you can do any kind of lightly exfoliating (try to stick with natural, I promise it will make you feel 100x better than going to the mall and buying some random cream) and cleansing mask. However, I strongly suggest you try this DIY mask ( by my favorite youtube guru, bubzbeauty. Take the time to let the green tea sink in, focus on the sides of your nose, but don't be too harsh.

This was a long reply, but I really genuinely want to help you figure out how to get rid of the things on your nose. Mainly focus on letting your skin renew itself, and wash your face 2-3 times a day (which you probably already do), but don't freak out or stress over it.

Please tell me if this helps at all, I hope you find at least a bit of it useful!

Jan 3, 2013

Nicole J.

Why don't you go to a doctor or specialist?

Jan 3, 2013

Miso C.

@kim p. thank you! I will def try that! Your reply is so spot on! I haven't worn any makeup since then. I shall watch the video and see what I can do. @Nicole J. I did go to my doctor but they prescribed me birth control. I am trying to not take birth control. Thank you though! 

Jan 4, 2013

Andrea T.

Sounds like whiteheads?