YouTubers idea time


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Aug 15, 2015

NiK I.

Okay girls so I can't say this enough but I love this app not only does it help with just day to day beauty it also provides is all with more selfesteem girls helping girls I love that and on that note I thought we could all do something I've seen lots of on YouTube my perfect imperfections just
3 things you haven't always loved about yourself but you do now I'll get the ball rolling
1 my height I'm five foot even and the rest of my family are at lest five ten it always got to me but now it's kinda funny I have had to stand boxes just to get a family picture done :-P besides I like maxi dresses even if they were not ment to be lol
2my size I always for as long as I can remember wanted to have a big bum and big boobs long story short I didn't get that dream but that's okay now I know I can get pretty bras easier :-)
3 my eye sight it's bad and I hated it when I was younger I'd even leave my glasses at home on purpose so no one at school would see me in them but now I consider them just an extra accessoriey like a necklace for my face now I enjoy them and can see all the beauty not only in myself but in everyone so girls please tell us yours

Aug 15, 2015

Natalie A.

Mine are pretty similar to yours, lol.
- I'm really short- I'm 5 foot 2 inches, but my entire fam is short, but I still hate being "the perfect height for people's arms"
- Bad eyesight- Sadly, glasses also run in my family. Every single person that I am related to has glasses or ladies or contacts.
- Uneven lids- I'm Asian, so I don't have a crease, but sometimes I have a double lid in one eye and monolid in the other is if I rub it or I'm superrrr tired. Just a part of life, I guess.

Aug 15, 2015

Mathilde M.

This is such a good idea!
1. My nose. I've always hated it and even back to the time when I was 10 or so, I wanted a nosejob. It looks ok from the front, but from the side it looks really pointy and gross. Buuuuut, about a year ago, I got my septum piercing done and I know it's kind of weird cus jewlery would just bring more attention to it, but for me it was more of something positive and pretty I could associate with my nose. I also realised that I find other peoples inperfections what makes them different and REALLY beautiful. So now I don't really care about my nose anymore.
2. My belly. Long story short, I have never been happy about my stomach. It's not as flat as I want it to be, and I just don't like it. But I have learned that I have to look at the whole picture, not just one detail, and my belly fit's the rest of my body just fine and so it might not be as terrible as I want it to be.
3. I used to hate my left arm because of all the scars I have, but when I look at it today, I can only see the marks of how I got through the worst time of my life, and they actually make me kind of happy, haha.

Aug 15, 2015

Shannon S.

1. Acne. I suffer with acne on my face,back,chest and shoulders.
2. My stretch mark on my thighs.
3. I'd like to have more of a petite thinner body.

Aug 15, 2015

Naomi K.

1. Acne
2. My nose..I contour it now and like it better but I've always thought it was too big
3. Stretch marks

Aug 15, 2015

Buttercup x.

1. My hair. I absolutely used to hate it, because it was super thin and my baby hair is really light, so it looks like I have no hair in a triangle between my ears and my part. But now I appreciate that my hair is easier to handle than thicker hair and it's gotten a bit thicker so that's a plus
2. My stretch marks. I used to feel really self conscious about them, but honestly they just show that I grew, and everyone has them. So instead of hating them, I think we should appreciate that we grow and become bigger and develope
3. My lips, I used to hate how they just stood away from my face (yes that sounds weird), but now I like wearing lipstick when going out

Aug 15, 2015

Buttercup x.

Also I think this is a great idea niki :)

Aug 15, 2015

Ciara B.

This is so nice!
1. my lips; I always thought they had a weird shape and were too thin but I like them now.
2. my height; I'm five feet and everyone else in my family is taller getting up to 2meters and it sometimes makes my body parts look bigger.
3. my boobs; lol hahah since I was little (and girls started having boobs) mine were enormous at least to me, and I specially hated it because I would get bullied for it. but now I like them A LOT more. :)

Aug 15, 2015

Kattya M.

I love this idea too!
1. My height too. I'm 5'7" which in my country is very tall for a girl, and always hated it because kids would be kids and tease me about it growing up, and when I grew up it just makes it harder to find a bf (men are short too here -.-). But now I love it! I love being tall and wearing high heels and just looking fab I love it! Plus only tall hotties would approach me so it's all good ;)
2. My weight! I was tall and thin AF. I've been underweight my whole life because of genetics and it sucked. Now I really appreciate this because as you grow older you realize how hard it is to keep up with having a decent body and my genes at least help me a bit!
3. I don't really have a third one (I still hate my hair and don't like my nose, I've never had issues with wearing glasses) but this one I used to hate but now I don't care about it. Like many women, my breasts aren't symmetrical, and it used to be a huge issue for me, trying to hide it and always feeling self concious. Then came my man and he changed completely how I saw myself. He didn't care about it, he always says how much he loves my body the way it is and I really do believe him. He boosted my self confidence tons and now I just get whatever bikini I want and just don't care about it.

Aug 15, 2015

Stephanie S.

1. my skin color. A lot of kids in school would comment on how white I was and that I almost looked albino. I wasn't ever really made fun of just a few remarks here and there. people would always say wow you're just so white (in fact the other day a guy told me that at work lol) and before I would talk about how I should get a spray tan or something just so I was a little darker. I never did and I'm glad I didn't I learned to accept my "whiteness" and I feel so much better about myself! I learned to take care of my skin and that's going to be beneficial later on in life too.
2. my breast. I had always felt insecure since I had hardly any boobs and basically all the girls at my school had bigger boobs than I did. But soon after graduating high school I just didn't really care anymore that they were small and in fact they have gotten bigger on their own since then. But I quickly realized that with smaller boobs you really don't have to worry about what type of top you are wearing or how many sports bras you need to be wearing when you are going to work out to keep them under control. I have learned to finally accept them:)
3. my eyebrows. I personally just didn't like how thick they are. but now I am so grateful that they are naturally thick so that when I get older I will at least have a chance at having eyebrows lol.

Aug 15, 2015

Yaya B.

I love this thread because we get to open up about our past insecurities and learn to love ourselves and every one else for their and our uniqueness. So here goes mine... I used to always hate my nose...yea its a bit big but I learned to lovevit because I got my dad's same nose and sadly he's no longer here soo I wouldn't change it for the world. I alwsys hated how thin my lips were so I started getting injections a few years ago and now I absolutely love my full lips. I'm also on the pale"er side I guess that comes from my European side of my family (grandad was from Spain ) nothing a little self tanner can't fix but yea I used to get teased in school for that and I burn easily soo I would get super red under the sun.

Aug 16, 2015

Lillee J.

Ooo I love this! Would have to be my nose. I don't know it always is a hot spot for acne and well dryness. Worst part is the acne gathers up around the sides which hurts TREMENDOUSLY! This interferes with my makeup as well because obvi can't use powder contour on dry skin- looks icky.

Aug 16, 2015

Zoe P.

I love this idea!!
1. Acne. I have had it literally all my life and it is the worst thing in the world
2. My ears, my ears have always been too big for my head and whenever I would put my hair in a ponytail everyone called me "elf"
3. My eyebrows. They just never seem to be right. They're always making me so frustrated in the mornings

Aug 17, 2015

Lydia B.

This is the coolest thread ever I love it
1. Acne I only got it this year but it literally so bad I have to take medication and fuss around with my doc
2. My hair.. it is frizzy and wavy but I don't want to straighten it cause I don't wanna kill it, oh and the color is awful but I don't rly wanna dye it I just wanna get it healthy first
3. ahhh my brows just NEVER seem to be right its so annoying I have to some mornings redo em and its very frustrating

Aug 18, 2015

Ashley V.

Check out my channel(: I have some makeup routinea, hauls, and morning routines!

Aug 19, 2015

Lilli A.

Cool idea! pale I am everyone else in school is super tan I'm Italian but I'm also polish and Irish so I don't burn but only my legs tan
2. My acne it's not super bad it's just I try and try but it doesn't go away teeth I've always hated how small they are I know that probably sounds weird but there super rounded and really small

NiK I.

St Catherine's Ontario