Diy exfoliants for my face?


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Aug 14, 2015

Claire D.

Okay so I can't really afford an exfoliator right now so I was wondering your favourite diy ones:)

Aug 14, 2015

Natalie A.

Sugar and honey

Aug 14, 2015

Tia A.

1 tsp honey
1tsp sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
Mix it together and lightly massage it onto your face, rinse it with cool water and pat dry :)

I know a lot of people are against using lemon juice on your skin but so far it hasn't damaged my skin and I have a bad habit of not taking people's advice until it's too late
*pinches self
So what you can do is exchange the lemon juice with water, it'll work the same, lemon juice just whitens/clears any blemishes
But sugar is the important ingredient in diy exfoliating

Aug 14, 2015

Emily L.

tomatoes and sugar

Aug 15, 2015

Claire D.


Aug 15, 2015

Riff W.

If you're going to use sugar use a brown sugar, white sugar tends to be more jagged and can create micro tears whereas brown sugar is more rounded. And definitely do NOT put lemon juice on your face. Just leave it out of any and all DIYS. Lemon juice is acidic enough to wear away at the enamel on your teeth so that should tell just how much damage it'll do to your face.

Aug 17, 2015

Leah E.

Lemon and sugar