Acne scars remedies


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Aug 14, 2015

Emily L.

Does massaging olive oil on dark spot scars help reduce its appearance?

Also, what are some other home remedies that helps with acne scars?

Aug 15, 2015

Tia A.

Yes olive oil does help but you could try massaging the scar with tomato juice.

Aug 15, 2015

Emily L.

Tomato juice as in blending a raw tomato and applying it?

Aug 15, 2015

Tamara F.

To diminish or completely eliminate dark spots, I use vitamin c serums or brightening creams. I also use SPF in my day moisturizer to prevent them from becoming darker or returning after almost being completely gone. Never heard of olive oil or tomato juice. I heard of lemon and sugar but it's much too harsh for my sensitive skin.

Hope it works for you!

Aug 15, 2015

Atziris V.

Frank body scrub is awesome! It's helped with some that I had.

Aug 15, 2015

Mya M.

I LOVE aloe Vera!

Aug 15, 2015

Tia A.

I know it sounds really weird to use tomato juice but that stuff really works
What I do is cut a small piece of tomato (like a little wedge of it) and just massage it on to the scar
You do that every morning and night and you will notice results in less than a week

Aug 15, 2015

prachi g.

following this thread..

Aug 16, 2015

Emily L.

Thickra A. : how long do you massage it for?

Aug 17, 2015

Tia A.

I usually massage it for about 2 minutes, don't rinse it off though
Just lightly pat dry any excess juice and let it stay

Aug 17, 2015

prachi g.

@thickra -do you wash off after say 20-30min?

Aug 17, 2015

Alyx T.

^ if you do that, make sure you wash it off with a cleanser.
Tomato juice is acidic and any exposure to the sun, even with sunblock on, can trigger a phototoxic reaction called phytophotodermatitis, an inflammatory reaction that results in bruise-like hyperpigmentation, with the potential for nasty-looking blisters and burning. It's often mistaken for chemical burns. it is dangerous, painful and really not worth it.

Aug 17, 2015

Emily L.

@alyx: Wow, thanks for the heads up!