Help! Brush is shedding!


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Aug 19, 2015

Savannah D.

So I have a morphe m505 and I spot clean it with my Parian Spirit brush cleaner (I spritz it on a paper towel then spin the brush around in the product) well the brush is shedding pretty badly, is it just a bad brush or should I spot clean differently? I do the same spot cleaning with my other brushes & they don't shed. I really love this brush and want to keep it alive!

Aug 19, 2015

Elizabeth T.

If you haven't given it a good deep clean try that, then if its still shedding bad you probably want to find a different brush.

Aug 20, 2015

Savannah D.

Jacqueline this is what it looks like when I clean it.

Aug 23, 2015

Savannah D.

Thanks a ton Jacqueline - was hoping you'd answer this!