Anyone here had microdermals removed?


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Aug 11, 2015

Kailey L.

Hey all! So I've had a microdermal on my chest for about 3 months now. It was healing up great, until my husband smacked his head on it last week (it was an accident but grrr) and now it's rejecting. It's about halfway out already (the post and "toe" side are sticking out, the longer "foot" side is still under the skin) so I know there's no saving it. I'm going to go to my piercer and get it removed today. I was just curious if anyone else has had their's removed, and what your experience was? And also, if you have any microdermals that HAVEN't rejected, where are they? I'd like to get another eventually, but I definitely don't want to put another one on my sternum after this debacle lol.

Aug 11, 2015

Morgan D.

Hello! I've have 4 (all of which I've gotten removed because I was tried of them) and sometimes the piercer can simply use a needle a pop it out which is what they should be able to do since yours has only been done for 3 months and already rejecting , but if the skin has grown around it too much you may have to go get it cut out by a doctor (I had to because I had mine 1+ year) which might I add is pretty painful, and once it is removed the area around will be very red and possibly sore and look pretty weird but if you clean the area daily it heals up just fine.
I had one on each hip and then on my back dimples and the never rejected, the hip ones did take longer to heal because there is a lot of movement in the area which is why they say it's best to get them where there is little to no movement. I'd say get another one they're lovely piercings (:

Aug 11, 2015

Kailey L.

Thank you for the info! I'm much less scared now haha.

Aug 11, 2015

Emily W.

Oh my god you pulled it out yourself? Giiiiiiiiirrrrrlllll!

I don't care much for piercings but I do like the look of dermals in certain places. I was curious about how easy or difficult it is to remove them though. I gather it is typical that you would need to have medical intervention to remove them if they do not reject (which is sort of a catch-22 isn't it?)

Aug 11, 2015

Kailey L.

I'm on my way to get it removed right now, Emily, I will let you know what it's like!

Aug 12, 2015

Kailey L.

@Emily, in case you follow up - I can't give much insight, he BARELY touched it and it fell out lol. I mean it was great that I didn't have to have it cut out, but I felt a wee bit dumb!

Aug 13, 2015

Brittany C.

I had one on the outer corner of my eye and it started rejecting after about 3 best friend is a piercer and he told me what to do and I removed it myself..healed great I can only see where it was if I look really close and squint.