Got my septum & nose pierced! Both of them same day lol couldn't decide!


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Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

This is a update! I couldn't decide which one lol so I got both! I love how it looks. This might be your style but I'm sharing this with the people that wanted to see how it would look.

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

Btw nose didt even hurt!! Septum hurt more than my belly piercing that's for sure lol

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

But everyone has different pain tolerances

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

This might not be you're style **

Aug 11, 2015

Sheslay F.

I love it!! You make me want to get my septum.

Aug 11, 2015

Dereanna D.

I love the way it looks. My nose hurt pretty bad, I told myself I'll never get another nose piercing again lol.

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

Aw thank you girls! & @sheslay you should lol it's worth the pain I promise I heard it heals fast too! So that's a plus & @dereanna thank you 😋😊 and my nose didt hurt at all actually a.

Love them 😍😍 I'd love to see some sort of MOTD from ya soon with your piercings in!

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

I will Brittany!! Tomorrow I'll post one 😝

Aug 11, 2015

Ileene M.

Lol I remember seeing this post, good thinking just doing both. you can pull off both :)!

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

Thank you lline! :)

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

Closer pic

Aug 11, 2015

Les N.

I'm not a fan of the two together honestly.
I love piercings (I have my medusa, nose and ears stretched to 0g) but for some reason I don't like those two paired.
looks too cluttered together, imo.
But I'm glad they didn't hurt for you, when I got mine I didn't feel anything because of my high pain tolerance.

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

Thank you les for the honest opinion! 😊

Aug 11, 2015

Les N.

No problem, the good thing is you can always tuck it inside. ☺️

Aug 11, 2015

Carmen V.

I can! I hide it from my parents lol 😂

Aug 11, 2015

Kat H.

My daughter has both nostrils pierced and a septum. I have my nose pierced and the septum. The nose hurt more than the septum, for me, anyway. The septum hurt, but only for a nanosecond - it was over before I could even form the word "OW."

Aug 12, 2015

Carmen V.

Thank you!