If I made lip balms, soaps and candles...


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Jan 3, 2013

Kaysey L.

I've been thinking about opening up an Etsy shop or something to sell some lip balms, soaps, and candles, but obviously I don't want to make batches of these things if no one would buy them. Would anyone be interested in that? I'm really not trying to like, self-promote or anything haha I don't even have a store yet. I just wanted some outside opinions first before I bought all these materials.

I think you should go for it. If you market yourself well and offer quality products you'll do fine. You just have to be patient. I sell mineral make up on etsy and for the first few months after i opened my shop i only made one or two sales a month. I stuck with it and now i'm up to 20-25 sales a month...nothing to really cry home about but a step in the right direction.
Also, finding bloggers you trust and getting them to review your product can do wonders for your shop.  

Jan 30, 2013

Ashley S.

I would definitely buy. :)
I have a love for soaps and candles. haha

Jan 30, 2013

Lizzy M.

I think it's a great idea! I love buying stuff like that. You can also try selling it at local gift shops or boutiques, or send it to beauty gurus that do mail hauls and things since that will also help to promote your store.

Jan 30, 2013

Katelynn D.

I love handmade items like these! I have a few suggestions from my opinion, but they are general and I would be excited to see your products either way! I would suggest this though: put up a few pictures or a video of the space you use to make the items, a few of the tools you use, and maybe a line or two about how you care for/clean those tools. With candles those things aren't so important. But with soap and lip balm, often people want to know about what they're using and where it comes from! My other suggestion is to embrace that not every item will come out perfect when you're hand making. Mass production has the upper hand there, refined machinery and they can throw away anything less than perfect. Good luck! That's super exciting, and don't forget to post a link if you decide to open up shop (:

I love anything handmade and I would also be more than willing to do reviews on my channel for you! I say go for it. It'll be fun!