Red Spots Help please.


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Aug 12, 2015

LiLi G.

Okay so I had a break out and I did scratch because It itched and now I have like this red spot on my face and I want to know if I can rove it or something..

Aug 12, 2015

LiLi G.

remove it*

Aug 12, 2015

Aurora S.

I've heard eye drops for redness of the eyes can help tone down redness on skin but that's temporary I believe. In the meantime you could just use vitamin E oil or bio oil

Aug 12, 2015

Soha S.

Aurora, will bio oil help? I mean isn't it used for stretch marks? :/

Aug 12, 2015

Aurora S.

Bio oil has chamomile extract (helps with soothing skin)
Vitamins A&E and a few other things including lavender

Aug 12, 2015

Soha S.

Oh okay. Thanks for sharing.