Bronzer/blush for my face...?


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Sep 20, 2015

Chris M.

Everything I've read says that bronzer & blush belong on the outsides of the face, leaving the center light. As I have round cheeks (apples), I always feel like I should bronze underneath my cheeks (apples) and blush right on top of them (of course blending outwards with both). I'm not sure if you will be able to see the difference in these pictures, but I'm attempting to try to show you one side where I used the bronzer and blush only in to the center of my eye, and the other side where I've applied as usual (and seems more) correct to me. Any suggestions? (2 more pix to follow...

Sep 20, 2015

Chris M.

Here is one side:

Sep 20, 2015

Chris M.

Here is the other:

Sep 23, 2015

Chris M.

Can I have this post removed?

Sep 23, 2015

Breeze T.

Hey Chris, why do you want it removed? I wanted to suggest that I prefer blush on the upper outer cheeks as opposed to the apples because it's nice when you smile but then when you're relaxed, it all sort of "comes down" in a not-so-hot way.
There was some problem with your thread not showing up I see, I'm sorry about that! I found it in the "Recent activity" tab under "Notifications" :)

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

Thank you Breeze! I wanted it removed because the pictures bother me and I didn't want to look at them any more, to be honest. Selfies seem to be impossible for most of the women I know that're my age. I don't look like this in regular pictures. Anyway, I appreciate your comments. So, you prefer the 3rd picture over the 2nd one?
@Jacqueline, thank you! I will try to follow your suggestions.
I feel like my face is so blank in the center, I have trouble not coloring it in, if you know what I mean. I've also been playing with contour instead of bronzer the last couple of days and I still want to color in my round cheeks! I'll try to post more pics when I'm made up, but my selfies do not turn out the way you girls' (and my daughter's) do! Thank you again!

Sep 24, 2015

Marleen B.

On YOUR right side, the contour seems to go all the way to your smile line. On your left side, it goes about half way. I think it would look good, if the contour went somewhere in between the left side & the right side. Further down than the left, but don't connect the contour to your smile line. Just an opinion.

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

Thank you Marleen, I understand what you're saying. I'll try that!

Sep 24, 2015

Marleen B.

You're welcome. I totally understand the changes a face goes through throughout the years. What once looked good 5 years ago, may not look good now. And it's important to be able to understand that there is no "one size fits all". I know as I age, my cheeks are not as firm as they used to be. So my contour had to change too. Most girls contour either to slim their face or create higher cheekbones. As a woman of a "certain age", my primary reason to contour is to "lift" my cheeks.

Sep 24, 2015

Marleen B.

I found some examples of what I was trying to explain. Now I know every face is different. But here are 2 different contouring styles. Kim K.s contour line is almost lower than the corner of her lower lip. But Lucy L"s contour line isn't as long and it ends above her top lip line giving her cheeks a lifted look.

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

Okay, I see that, however Lucy's apples are higher on her face than mine are and they aren't as close to her mouth as mine are. They are also less round. Mine are closer to where Kim's are. So, I shouldn't contour under my apple (which, I call the round, fatty area under my eyes and on the sides of my nose)? I feel like if I stop contouring before getting close to my mouth, my cheek won't look round and plump, but rather just saggy. I promise I don't mean to be argumentative, as I'm sure you all know much more than I do! I'm just having trouble looking "right" to myself.

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

I so appreciate your advice and the time you take to explain! I will try using all of your suggestions, Ladies! Thank you!

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

I believe I have an oval face (maybe an oblong?), and it looks as though they recommend contour almost to the mouth. Is this incorrect?Thick, coarse and short and darker.

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

I don't know why it says "Thick, coarse and short and darker!" I didn't write that!  Hahahahahaha!

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

That was oval, here's oblong...

Sep 24, 2015

Marleen B.

Like I said, every face is different. I didn't mean to follow those examples to a "t". Just saying that you don't have to follow the "typical " contouring guidelines that everyone else is doing. Just giving you new ideas to experiment with. Have fun!

Sep 24, 2015

Chris M.

I understand, thank you! I am having so much fun! I just don't know if I'm seeing myself as others see me - not that I care so much as I'd like to check out the possibilities.