I feel like the clothes I have make me look fat... Help me find a new look?


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Sep 8, 2015

Sav L.

I'm insecure about what I wear and today my outfit was either unfitting or just showed my unattractive body.

What kind of clothes would fit my body

Sep 8, 2015

Sadia B.

You look great! what part don't you like?x

Sep 8, 2015

Hannah K.

Sweetheart, you and your body is gorgeous! If your insecure about your tummy, try a pair of high-waisted shorts and tuck the top in :) if it's your legs, a pair of leggings will be good :) we all have bad body image days :)

Sep 8, 2015

Sav L.

I don't like my thighs , my stomach I can hide I feel like my thighs are so big

Sep 8, 2015

Ban H.

First of all I think your body looks amazing! and its the truth, I'm not just saying that. actually I really like your outfit but if you want something more fitting, here are a few ideas :)
1. high waisted jeans with a shirt tucked.

Sep 8, 2015

Ban H.

2. I bough a black jumpsuit the other day and it is very fitting and can go with anything...denim jackets/ statement necklaces..anything.

Sep 8, 2015

Ban H.

3. if you have flowy shirts you can always tuck them in and show the belt.

Sep 8, 2015

Sav L.

Thank you so much , honestly

Sep 8, 2015

Rojina T.

I've also gone thru this but I've learnt the trick tht let others feel its your way of style rather than insecurity. Try to be confident no matter what shape or size.

Sep 8, 2015

Sabrina K.

Sav you are in no way fat and I'm sure you know that! I seen you post threads about how everyone should love themself and feel beautiful regardless of the insecurities they might have - I think its important that you take your own advise and love yourself regarless of the insecurities you might have.

Sep 8, 2015

Amanda S.

I absolutely agree with everything Sabrina K said. You are a beautiful young woman. However nothing anyone can say to you can make you believe that. It is up to you to develop confidence so your true beautiful self can shine through no matter what clothes you wear. Don't get me wrong, everyone struggles with confidence and trying to live up to some twisted ideal image of what being a beautiful woman is. But just realize we are all beautiful women and our bodies are capable of some pretty amazing things!

Sep 8, 2015

Ivey S.


Sep 8, 2015

Lydia B.

High waisted jeans and shorts, jumpsuits, and not cropped tops.

Sep 8, 2015

Sadia B.

Aaaaw no way hunni, from what I can see you shouldnt hate any part of yourself and your thighs are not big at all! you are beautiful girl, you look healthy and you have beautiful skin tone. xx

Sep 8, 2015

Sav L.

I'm sorry, sometimes I'm confident and other times I just get low after feeling like so many girls are so much skinnier and prettier, and it's just a stressful time (high school) but thank you all so much. I criticize myself a lot.

Sep 8, 2015

Ban H.

Ya being skinny isnt all that, I used to be really skinny and it was hard to buy clothes, everything was just too big and made me look older, now that I gained weight Its much easier!! I'm in high school too and I totally get you and know how you feel, just remember to do your own thing and find your own style and everything will be fine! stop comparing yourself to other people because they only let you see what they want you to see, they have problems and insecurities too but you don't know about them.

Sep 9, 2015

Allison S.

That outfit looks so cute! I love it! You are gorgeous no need to worry!

Sep 12, 2015

Mariana M.

I understand how its stressful I'm insecure about my body and face as well for the same reason. but you are so beautiful and skinny. and like the girls above said high waisted shorts are cute and make me feel a little more confident. Just wear whatever you like because you are stunning.

Sep 13, 2015

Sadia B.

Aaww you don't need to apologise. believe me I had such a hard time at high school with my looks and body, I went to a school full of blond white girls and I was this chubby brown girl. It will get better as you get older. try and concentrate on the positves. xxx