What do you think of Lipstick Queen Hello Sailor.


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Aug 22, 2015

Monica K.

I'm thinking about buying Lipstick Queen,Hello Sailor. I have pigmented lips already, so no idea what it would look like on me. If you have it,do you like it? What does it look like on you?

Aug 22, 2015

Nikelle B.

Unfortunately, I haven't tried it but every time I see it I want to buy it. if you do end up getting it I'd love to see a swatch and know your opinion.

Aug 23, 2015

Lillee J.

Hmm I have seen it around but I feel like buying an actual berry color would be much more of use OR for a toned down look to use a tinted lip oil like YSL's one!

Aug 23, 2015

Monica K.

Nikelle if I buy it I will definitely put up a swatch.
Lillee, great point! YSL is not that much more money then the Lipstick Queen.
thank you both for thoughts!!

Aug 23, 2015

Lillee J.

No biggy (:

Aug 23, 2015

Tamara F.

You could always use a lip pencil to create a more bland look on your lips before applying the lipstick so that you achieve the color you desire.

Aug 23, 2015

Monica K.

Thanks Tamara! great idea : )