DIY Natural Stretch Mark Removal?


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Jan 3, 2013

Kim P.

I can't find it anywhere, but I remember reading something about ground up coffee and how it was good for stretch mark removal?
Do you know the whole recipe/remedy?

Jan 3, 2013

Jocelyn L.

use coconut oil or olive oil 

Jan 3, 2013

Hayley P.

I've been using olive oil for a couple of days so obviously I haven't seen a difference yet but it makes my skin really soft! I heard lemon is good because it lightens the skin but I've yet to try it! Good luck!

Jan 3, 2013

Hayley P.

The coffee grind recipe I know of includes aloe Vera and coffee grinds. You mix the two or those with warm water, apply for 15 minutes, wipe off and apply cocoa butter. I'm not sure if the coffee actually works, because cocoa butter is known to treat stretch marks alone..

Jan 4, 2013

Kim P.

@Jocelyn I've used olive oil before, but not nearly enough. I guess I'll start using it regularly. Thanks(: @Hayley Thanks! Well all I've heard is coffee grinds, but how do you supposed the cocoa butter works?

Jan 4, 2013

Kim P.

"Take coffee grinds with olive oil, and make into a paste. Massage well into the area with stretch marks for about 5 minutes. Then take a hot towel, and wrap it around the area for about 20-25 minutes. Remove and wash off with warm water. Also, when you are finished, apply a moisturizer to the area. The olive oil with the caffeine in the grinds, will help stimulate the area to remove the stretch marks. If you do this 1-3 times a week, you will start to notice a difference within 2 weeks!"
Found what I'd originally seen. It was on pinterest, lol.

Jan 4, 2013

Hannah F.

I've tried everything but nothing seems to work 

Jan 4, 2013

Hayley P.

I've heard of olive oil and cocoa butter working but as far as I have heard you should apply it about twice daily! Coffee seems messy as well but it's worth a try!

Jan 4, 2013

Hayley P.

I have been doing a lot of research and heard pure cocoa butter is very effective :) I'm going to try and find it and ill let you know how it works for me