Anastasia Brushes (:


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Aug 23, 2015

Angie P.

Is the anastasia beverly hills #12 brush the same as brush #7.?? is it just the size diffrence.??

Aug 23, 2015

Lillee J.

The #12 is longer (: the #7 is a mini version!

Aug 23, 2015

Angie P.

So size is the only difference?? I personally think the small version would be better right.?? I mean you don't have to carry around the big brush lol.

Aug 23, 2015

Essie A.

Sandra, are you sure it's actually wider and stiffer and not just the zoom of the picture? I can see that the #7 has been zoomed in whereas the #12 has not. Just curious if you've actually compared them or if you're going by picture alone. :}

Aug 24, 2015

Angela J.

Sandra is right. The #7 isn't as stiff, it's a bit softer. I gifted mine and stuck with my trusty #12:)