What is a toner??


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Feb 21, 2013

Sarah E.

I've used a few different toners after cleansing my face and before applying a moisturiser. But I've never really understood why I'm even using it, what exactly does a toner do and why use it?

Feb 21, 2013

Jennifer R.

Toner pulls all the dirt, bacteria and grime off your face, the excess that cleansing didn't reach. It also tightens your pores. I think it's important because it's an extra step of cleaning, but some toners can be a little drying. You don't HAVE to use one if you cleanse and rinse really well, but I prefer it because it makes my face feel extra clean and fresh.

Feb 22, 2013

Kathryn L.

The help to restore the healthy pH of your skin after water residue is left on it.

Feb 22, 2013

Jamilah A.

Toners help to rebalance your pH level, remove any residue left after cleansing, adds a layer of hydration when left damp before applying serum or moisturizer and serves as a good delivery system to help the ingredients of what follows to penetrate the epidermis better.

Feb 23, 2013

Gina G.

They are especially nice to refresh your face in the summer!

Feb 23, 2013

Anna T.

Beauty myth: rinsing your cleanser really good does not do the same thing as a toner. Toner equalizes the pH of your skin which is between 4.5-5.5. Waters pH is 7. Water is in no way acid balanced to your skin and will not restore pH.

Restoring your pH creates an equal canvas for any product you put on after (moisturizer, mask, exfoliant, serum, etc.) go on evenly and more effectively.

There are different toners for specific skin types and sensitivity issues.

I hope this helps!

Feb 23, 2013

Miranda H.

You can make your own toner by using equal parts rice and water let it sit over night then take the rice out. Put the liquid in a bottle and voila now all you need is a cotton pad and wipe all over your face after washing your face but before moisturizer.