I Can't Get Rid Of Black Heads!


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Feb 21, 2013

Rebecca N.

I have lots of black heads in my t-zone. I have had hundreds of products recommended to me in in many different department stores and even by a dermatologist but not a single one has gotten rid of them at best they just do not get worse can anyone help please!?

Feb 21, 2013

Kimberly C.

You can use school glue. just need to put it on then let it dry. Then you pull it off.

Feb 21, 2013

Amanda M.

You can use a cleanser that is used to get rid of blackheads like st Ives apricot scrub for blemishes and blackheads or you can exfoliate your face :) good luck.

Feb 21, 2013

Rebecca N.

Kimberly is that ok for sensitive skin? and I have tried those but thank you~:-)

Feb 21, 2013

Brittany O.

I would suggest getting a few facials and having them professionally extracted and then just make sure to take care of your skin and use toners.

Feb 21, 2013

Hazel G.

Does using glue really work? thats a crazy but brilliant idea haha.

Feb 21, 2013

Mariah A.

Facials should work but your black heads won't just disappear after one facial, you need to fix appointments for like every 2 months or so, depends on what your beautician suggests. you should also keep your face clean.

Feb 21, 2013

Salmah A.

I'm a beauty therapy student and when giving clients facials, we have to focus on comodone extraction and its the best!!
You can do it yourself, steam your face first though so the pores open, making it easier :)

Feb 21, 2013

Maida R.

Pore strips

Feb 22, 2013

Kaley B.

This mask by neutrogena works wonders for me!! :)

Feb 22, 2013

Rafaela E.

sebum remover mask.

Feb 22, 2013

Caitlin M.

I just bought a face mask and use a blackhead eliminating scrub and neither have done a thing for me. I'm going to pick up some pore strips soon. They're the only thing I've used that have worked. I just never remember to pick them up.