Cosmetic Tattooing, Training Or No?


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Feb 21, 2013

Janet M.

I just got my dream job at a medical spa, I'm curious because cosmetic tattooing is becoming increasingly popular do you think I should do my training for it now or wait a little while?
Have you heard good or bad things about it? And do you think it's worth it?
I'd prefer other Estheticians opinions but everyone's would help.

Feb 22, 2013

Kathryn L.

It totally is becoming popular! If it were me, and I just started my new job I would take time to focus on all of the new things at just the workplace. Starting a new job always takes lots of focus especially your dream one! For. me personally it would be too much on my plate to be training and starting a new job. Does your medi spa offer permanent makeup? I love working in a medi spa and I hope you enjoy it too!

Feb 22, 2013

Janet M.

Not at the moment but I'm hoping in the future it will continue to grow. They focus on mainly lasers and things like that but due to its increase in popularity I think they may. I'm glad I found someone who works in one! All my friends that are Estheticians don't understand my love of medical spas. I like them more then just doing nails all day lol

Feb 22, 2013

Kathryn L.

I was made for the medical spa baby! Skin care is my main love and with all the technology in a medical spa, I can actually help my clients achieve the results they are really looking for, and not just temporary quick fixes. But, do the permanent makeup when you are ready to take that leap! Perhaps if there is a slow time in the year or a lull or when your looking for something new and exciting!

Feb 22, 2013

Janet M.

Very true! And the course seems expensive so ill need to save up haha

When you did laser training was it fairly easy to grasp? I'm still training but I'm a little scared to hurt clients since I know how some of the laser feel like.

Feb 22, 2013

Kathryn L.

I took several different training courses for particular lasers and then I finally went and did a full 80 hour training program, which helped me so much. I still take as much training as I can get my hands on. It is scary I guess at first but of course like anything, practice makes perfect! what machines are you working with? I'm always curious to know!

Feb 23, 2013

Marie H.

Congratulations on your new job! It can't hurt adding something new to your repertoire. If you are interested and it's offered, why not? It's always nice to have extras under your sleeve and if you end up not liking it, you don't have to pursue it :)