What in the world is supposed to be the difference between "makeup" and "beauty"?
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Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
If you haven't noticed by now, beautylish has created a lot more forum categories to hopefully lessen the spam. My dilemma with "beauty" being added is... what is the difference between beauty and makeup to the beautylish team? Am I alone in considering these two to be the same? Hah. Why have BEAUTY when you already have makeup, hair, nails, AND skincare?
Feb 18, 2013
Maura P.
Lol good point Rikki...is it just me or now with these new categories doesn't it seem like TOO much is going on here now like too many different subjects?
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
YES! This is called BEAUTYlish and I liked it better when it was strictly beauty. We really don't need fashion stuff on here... Hell, the other fashion like topics don't even show up in the drop-down list. And the last thing this forum needs is a health section. I've already seen a bunch of people give BS responses about "health and wellness," I'd rather the forum not contribute to it.. O.o
Feb 18, 2013
Marne M.
I just started my account and the only things I'm on here for is make-up and hair. Beauty is like the whole package right? Why apply it to here if we are already doing so between two forums? As for fashion, I though thats why the created magazines. Its strange. Well at least I think so.
Feb 18, 2013
Brittany A.
I agree. I am honestly getting tired of this site do to the amount of stray from beauty. I joined this site to learn and share about beauty and it seems like half of the time the beauty questions are the ones actually left unanswered and when the ones that arent so much about beauty (or just the same question being asked for the 100th time, 5th time that day) is getting several responses.
Feb 18, 2013
Amber B.
Beauty can be much more than just makeup ladies (:
Feb 18, 2013
Brittany A.
I think that was just her easiest way of describing for the topic. because she mentioned hair, nails, and skin also. But when people start asking stuff about their boyfriends and whatnot it is a little annoying. There are other forums for that stuff.
Feb 18, 2013
Alma M.
@Brittany I do agree about unanswered questions about makeup.
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
Indeed, Brittany. Let's face it. This forum/website was created FOR beauty related things: hair, makeup, nail products, skincare. This isn't a place to guess what your race is (and let's face it, 80% of Americans from what I've seen still don't know the difference between nationality, heritage, and race anyway.) and how to get a boy to like you. I am still mostly concerned about the health thing because that can go SO wrong when majority of people on here probably aren't even trained in the health department and meh.
Feb 18, 2013
Courtney B.
I consign everything you said, Rikki. I mean, to me makeup is all of the cosmetic products we use and beauty is this abstract concept about what's aesthetically pleasing. It's odd. I also agree with everyone else saying that they'd like a return to the simpler days of BL. And mods! My dear sweet lord, we need mods.
Feb 18, 2013
Maura P.
Yes Rikki this is exactly what I am I find myslef getting very bored with this am not as excited about the site as I was before...I mean all the different categories are helpful I guess because it was a HUGE issue on here all of the off topic but it still seems to be a problem added all these different forums doesn't really seem to be helping...and not to mention that if I want I personal type site I would get a Facebook (which I dnt have because of the same reason) like hello people this is the internet you dnt know these people like you dnt have real friends like real flesh?
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
I definitely appreciate them trying to fix it. I also agree that it's all over the place and adding more to try to fix it isn't working. Too much clutter now.
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
Well, I must say that I don't have friends in the flesh, hahaha. The personal stuff all could have gone into the "general" category which is definitely meant for anything that isn't about makeup/skin/hair etc.
Feb 18, 2013
Brittany A.
Haha, Maura, I agree.
Rikki, the whole people not realizing the difference between heritage, race, and nationality thing has driven me crazy, it isn't that hard to know the difference. And I dont get the point in people asking for others to guess their race and age, that is stupid and has nothing to do with this site. Thank you for posting this thread, I have been debating doing it the past couple days myself.
Feb 18, 2013
Brittany A.
Really their trying to fix it just made it worse in ways for the fact that it makes more people willing to post stuff that has nothing to do with this site. I have noticed the site become more cluttered with it since they added new categories
Feb 18, 2013
Maura P.
Lol aw poor thing sorry to hear that...yeah but it comes up in the poplar and its to much I really dnt feel like going through 50 pages of b/s to find something that am actually interested...and if they are going to have all these forum people need to put there question in the right one so that the site can actually work!! I didn't mean to offend you about the whole friend thing hope your not mad:)
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
Lol, right? I see popular vloggers on YT answer nationality questions for 39% German 32% Scottish 37$ White and I'm like holy crap the American system when it comes to education really is so screwed.
Feb 18, 2013
Amber B.
At Brittany A. Yea now that part I agree with like the question about what race the person is, is a bit ridiculous and how to get a boy to like me lol!
Feb 18, 2013
Amber B.
OMG rikki P. I didn't even read your post I swear and I just commented the same exact thing lmao! Crazyy!
Feb 18, 2013
Maura P.
Lol I dnt think its that I think its more ignorance..I went to target and my daughter is Dominican she has super really curly hair and she has some color to her and this girl had the nerve to say that she wanted to have a blacks man's kid so that it would look like my daughter(ill post a pic of my daughter so that you can CLEARLY see that she doesn't look black
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
Even if she got ethnicity right, YOU DON't SAY STUFF LIKE, "OH I WANT TO HAVE A KID WITH A BLACK MAN." Whaaaaaat. That's some fetishizing right there.
Feb 18, 2013
Rikki P.
Awww, she's a cutie.
Feb 18, 2013
Roxy K.
I just look at the beauty related forums..dont really care about clothes and fashion coz I have an app on my phone related to that already :)
Feb 18, 2013
Maura P.
Feb 18, 2013
Roxy K.
And thats a really cute pic too :)