Red Leg Bumps!!


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Feb 27, 2013

Ili R.

How do I get rid of them?? please help they're very unattractive I have them mostly on my thighs. I even stopped shaving for a while to see if thst would help but it made no difference. please someone help! thank you :)

Feb 27, 2013

Danielle T.

What are they from? If its an allergy use benedryl cream or see a doctor. If its razor bumps try waxing. Dry skin try lotion, if none of that works I'd just see a dermatologist and find the root of your problem! Hope that helps!

Feb 27, 2013

Lauren M.

A lot of times you can get theme because you shave when your legs are still kinda cold, like if they have goose bumps. Make sure your legs are completely warm and have soaked in the water a while. Use shaving cream and a lotion for sensitive skin afterwards. I like the aveeno one. Also don't wear jeans the day you shave your legs, because it will cause irritation. Wear shorts, or if need be, wear sweatpants or something that is soft an flexible that won't rub on your skin :)