Can you white your teeth with braces on?


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Mar 5, 2013

Sara K.

I have braces, and I hate how my teeth are kind of a weird yellow color. I was wondering if there were ways to whiten your teeth with braces on.

Mar 5, 2013

Angelica R.

I'm sorry to ask this question, but did it hurt to put on braces? I'm planning to get them but my dentist told me that they had to pull out some teeth because of my crowded teeth.

Mar 5, 2013

Kelly M.

The actual act of getting braces put on doesn't hurt, but the next couple days... God have some Advil handy! It hurt so so bad for me! The only reason it would hurt getting them put on is bc your mouth needs to be stretched and pried open.

Mar 5, 2013

Angelica R.

So most likely what's going to hurt is pulling out my teeth?

Mar 5, 2013

Kelly M.

@sara I wouldn't recommend it, even though I have the same problem. I've searched the interweb and apparently when you get them taken off you get these yellow boxes where the whitening didn't go :/ yuck.

Mar 5, 2013

Kelly M.

@angelica I had a tooth pulled a while before getting my braces on (before I realized I needed braces) and they numb the area so you won't feel anything :) you will talk pretty funny though haha.

Mar 5, 2013

Katie L.

DO NOT WHITEN YOUR TEETH WHEN YOU HAVE BRACES. I repeat, do NOT. If you do, it will whiten it.. BUT, when you get your braces off, there's going to be yellow squares. Girl, you do not want that. I just suggest you to get darker colors for your bands. The darker the color, the whiter your teeth is going to look! Just be patient and wait till you take off your braces. Xx

Mar 5, 2013

Kelly M.

^^ that's the mistake I made... I have bright green and pink bands lol.

Mar 5, 2013

Angelica R.

@Kelly M. I know that I got two of my wisdom teeth pulled out and they weren't grown out yet.

Mar 5, 2013

Tegan W.

Youll get patches when you take your braces off (:. it doesn't hurt getting them put on just afterwards for a few days I couldnt eat lol I ended up losing 10kgs and when you get them tightend it hurts but getting teeth pulled out I hate I had to get 2 adult teeth pulled out the injections are so horrible I had to get 8in one go it might be because I hate needles bt they so ouchie and the crunching you hear when they are pulling your teeth out. if you have any more questions @angellica r just ask (: sorry if this doesn't make any sense my bf keeps distracting me lol.

Mar 5, 2013

Tegan W.

Youll get patches when you take your braces off (:. it doesn't hurt getting them put on just afterwards for a few days I couldnt eat lol I ended up losing 10kgs and when you get them tightend it hurts but getting teeth pulled out I hate I had to get 2 adult teeth pulled out the injections are so horrible I had to get 8in one go it might be because I hate needles bt they so ouchie and the crunching you hear when they are pulling your teeth out. if you have any more questions @angellica r just ask (: sorry if this doesn't make any sense my bf keeps distracting me lol.

Mar 6, 2013

Sara K.

Okay thanks everyone! I'll just wait til I get them off then :)

Mar 6, 2013

Sarah P.

No don't do it!

Mar 8, 2013

Angelica R.

@Tegan W. It makes me feel kind of better. Lol
But I studied at a Medicine School which I had to deal with needles so I got pretty much used to it. Lol I think for sure I'll just get them. Lol
But do they inject you everytime you get them tighten?

Mar 8, 2013

Tegan W.

There so worth it (: nope you don't have to get any injections well I didnt any way I don't think you need injections at all for braces only getting teeth pulled out.

Mar 8, 2013

Emily W.

With braces just make sure you brush really well to prevent cavities and staining around the brackets, then you can whiten when you get them off. :) Braces never hurt that bad for me, just a little soreness after they were adjusted. I had full braces, internal headgear (Herbst appliance), external headgear, a palette expander, bands, and spacers at various times for six years, and I had all four wisdom teeth removed--I've been through it all! If you have any other questions just let me know. :)

Mar 11, 2013

Lydia G.

Yes, you can use whitening mouth wash. ( I had them for 2+ years)

Mar 27, 2013

Deja F.

What colors did you like the most with braces? I'm thinking of clear, but I heard that stains easily. But the blue that they have in my ortho is a dark blue..Idk how I feel about that. Let me know please (: